nges to the filesystem, you must specify rw (read-write).
**async** Allows the server to write data to the disk when it sees fit. While this is not important i... read-only, if a host is making changes to a read-write filesystem and the server crashes, data could be ... e writes must be committed to the disk before the write request by the client is actually completed. This
===== Rewrite-Engine einschalten =====
Man benötigt eine Datei ''/etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load'' mit folgenden Inhalt:
LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
Dann noch einen Verweis anlegen:
ln -s /e
ad of overwritedns1 and overwritedns2 I found overwrite_dns1 and overwrite_dns2 on my Fritz Box 7170.
Hint: after searching with "/overwrite_dns" and replacing it, just hit n in command mode... onfig der Fritzbox exportieren und bei
overwrite_dns1 =;
overwrite_dns2 =;
ellen und Fehlermeldungen beim Gebrauch von mod_rewrite, Punkt 2" schon durchgefuehrt, leider ohne Erfolg... tch ^/$ /apache2-default/
REWRITE engline Apache2:
[[ genaue Beschreibung aller Möglichkeiten von mod_rewrite findet sich [[|hier]] (auf Englisch).
Byte-copy the image to a USB drive
===== Write image to a USB drive =====
You will need a USB ... mage writer is that it will not inadvertently overwrite your system hard drive.
Download [[http://... from the command-line ===
Caution: 'dd' will overwrite any destination including your system hard disk. ... r which corresponds to the USB key
- Click the "Write" button to byte-copy the image to the USB drive.
# Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.
# Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022,
... es. This only
# has an effect if the above global write enable is activated. Also, you will
# obviously n... be able to create
# new directories.
# Activate directory messages - mess
em: Apache hört nicht auf .htaccess]]
[[apache:rewrite|Rewrite Engine]]
[[apache:charset|Zeichensatz ändern]]
Problem: Nach Start kommt Meldung: //apa... erungen der Zugriffsrechte in der .htaccess
{{tag>Apache Apache2 .htaccess .htpasswd "Rewrite Engine"}}
In the event that you did not write down your mount passphrase, you may be able to re... 76a9f69af69a86fa] into the user session keyring (write down the second value in the square brackets)