nsole, rather than your computer.
I'm currently working round this by pressing the red button under th... blems with it. The up/down/left/right maps aren't working - up currently does a print screen, the other ... limited user, and if anyone knows why it doesn't work, I'd love to hear it! Also, I'd like to find a wa... 's on.
Hope this howto's useful, if you get it working, please post and let me know! If you do anythi
====== Howto get Wii Remote working in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) ======
//Poste... This tutorial will explain howto get a Wii remote working as a mouse / keyboard / joystick in Ubuntu int... quirements =====
Your computer must have a known working bluetooth adapter, a Wii remote.
An infra-red