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Gerwiki enthält Dokumentationen und Know-How rund um den Computer, im Besonderen für Linux.

Gerwiki contains documentations and information related to computers specially linux - in german and english


accord5 acer add_user_to_group advancemame advancemenu advangecd advmame advmenu advmess apache aspire asus ati:amd bash bash_shortcuts bild_in_pdf bluetooth bluez boot bootloader bourne bourneagainshell calclate_disk_space cfdisk change_group charset convert count_lines crypted_data crypted_partition cryptsetup debian dhcp disk_space disk_space_used disk_used dnla dns du dualhead dueal_head eeepc email email-ticket etc:hosts.deny eth eth0 eticket ext2 ext3 ext4 face_detecton fdisk ffmpeg filesystem find_files forms ftp ftp-server gateway gdm geexbox gesichtererkennung gesichtserkennung gnome_desktop_manager google google_books google_calendar gpart gpl grub gw htmldoc ifconfig image image_to_pdf imagemagick imagick imagick.so install_grub internet ip iphone ipod ipod_touch iso isquint isticket itunes jpeg_to_pdf jpg jpg2pdf jpg_to_pdf kde kde4 kde_desktop_manager kdm konvertieren kubuntu lilo linux location logging_queries luks mac mac_remote_access mac_ssh macintosh macos mame mbr mediafiles mediaserver mediathek mplayer multimedia mysql mysql_logging nameserver nanonote netbook netmask notebook ocr oohforms opendns opensource openwrt osticket package partitions patch pdf pdf-cpnverter pdfjoin php php5 phpforms phplib plasma playstation_3 proxy proxyserver ps3 python qi-hardware raid raid5 reinstall_grub rewrite_engine route s.m.a.r.t securtity sh shell shellscript shortcuts smart smart-linux smartctl software-raid spashimage spraul squid ssh sshd-mac ssl start_sshd_mac stream support sync syncing tesseract texterkennung ticket ticketsystem training trellis tune2fs ubuntu ubuntu_9.04 umlaut upnp upnp-server usb-flash user user_group ushare var:log:auth.log video virtualbox webdav webproxy windows x11 xbox xbox_360 xorg.conf xrandr zdf
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