Um Ubu... m orangen Hintergrund auf. Siehe dazu das [http://wiki.eeeuser.com/getting_ubuntu_8.04_to_work_perfectly EEEUser-Wiki].
==Automatische Konfiguration mit x2on`s Skript... n installieren. Eine Anleitung findet ihr [http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Java hier].
sudo apt
hat you want:
Install advanced desktop via the wiki info
Used information from\\
http://technowi... xtra repositories and pinning as discussed in the wiki)\\
let it finish, then type in:\\
gconf-edito... y load whatever metacity theme you put in that folder.
====== Remove the Shutdown Dialog Box ======
Some... nd press will shut down fully.
See also [[http://wiki.eeeuser.com/close_lid_shutdown|Close lid to shut
's recommended that you read the page on [[http://wiki.eeeuser.com/addingxandrosrepos|adding Xandros sof... Dec2007, but could change in the future.