====== Supported AdvanceCD Video Cards ======
Quelle: ((http://advancemame.sourceforge.net/doc-cardcd.ht... |AdvanceCD]]
This is the list of the video cards supported by AdvanceCD.
Please note tha... not
in the list.
Please note that some laptop video cards work only when connected to
an external mon... Buffer Drivers
This is the list of all the video cards supported by the Linux
Kernel Frame Buffer
ties for your .ZIP archives, .PNG snapshots, .MNG video clips and .GZ files.
* AdvanceBOOT is a collec... PC with Arcade Monitors and TVs.
Unterstützte Videokarten: [[mame:advancecd:supported_cards]]
Readme... operation mode the programs scan a list of `good' video modelines created manually and chose the best available. You must prevently create this list of video modelines with the `advv' utility.
This is the d