e is ${#varname}, which returns the length of the value of the variable as a character string. For example, if filename has the value fred.c, then ${#filename} would have the value 6.
The other operator (${#array[*]}) has to do with arr... han zero counts back from the end of the expanded value of $param.
When a negative `offset' begins with
ger, apcupsd will initiate a system shutdown.
# A value of 0 disables this timer.
# Note, if you have ... will listen for incoming connections.
# Default value is that means any incoming request will b... ort,
# you will need to change the corresponding value in the cgi directory
# and rebuild the cgi progr... EVENTSFILEMAX can be set to a different kilobyte value, or set
# to zero to allow the EVENTSFILE to gro
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0032 100 100 0... ebensdauer verbraucht hat. Letzteres sieht man an VALUE = 186, der Neuwert ist 200.
Laut Western Digit... tal HDD are detected
-g : get raw idle3 timer value (default action)
-g100 : get idle3 timer valu
oper usage of the command, parameters, acceptable values, etc. Some exceptions to this are obvious, such ... ram1 or param2 is optional. A 'N' means a numeric value, 0 to ?, based on the command.
XINA v1.18 Comman... stat
DIPSW Shows the dip switch value
DISPMGR (f... 1) H(0:1) >
FLAGS Displays flag values / state
flags < local | global |
The "nnn" string can be any standard measurement value, e.g. 0.5in, 36, 12mm, etc. Breaks to a new page ... The "nnn" string can be any standard measurement value, e.g. 0.5in, 36, 12mm, etc. Breaks to a new page ... The "nnn" string can be any standard measurement value, e.g. 0.5in, 36, 12mm, etc. Breaks to a new page ... The "nnn" string can be any standard measurement value, e.g. 0.5in, 36, 12mm, etc. Breaks to a new page
iste.class, liste.name, liste.order_number, liste.value_payed, liste.order_number FROM qf_classlist as li... OIN (SELECT jobnumber, class, name, order_number, value_payed FROM qf_classlist GROUP BY jobnumber, class... && liste.order_number = dup.order_number && liste.value_payed = dup.value_payed) WHERE liste.value_payed > 0 AND liste.order_number != '' ORDER by jobnumber, cl
mote NFS users to share and specify (anonuid=<uid-value>,anongid=<gid-value>), where <uid-value> is the user ID number and <gid-value> is the group ID number.
In order to override these defaults, you
871.549381, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 99 (KEY_SYSRQ), value 0</code>
Look for the key name in parenthesis and its value when depressed after the “code” number. In this example, the key name would be KEY_SYSRQ and its value would be 0.
cat multimedia_keys.conf