==== Access Control Lists ====
You can limit users' ability to browse the Internet with access contr... access control list that restricts Web access to users on certain networks. In this case, it's an ACL th... sing NCSA ====
You can configure Squid to prompt users for a username and password. Squid comes with a p... passwd</code>
2) Use the htpasswd program to add users to the password file. You can add users at anytim
# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
virtual_use_local_pri... and.
# Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022,
# if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's)
lo... ate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they
# go into a certain directory.
tomatically on boot, or if you want to allow your users to mount the filesystem, you will want to edit th... to the lowest local user, preventing remote root users from acting as though they were the root user on ... specify the user and group IDs to use with remote users from a particular host, use the anonuid and anong... can create a special user account for remote NFS users to share and specify (anonuid=<uid-value>,anongid
Now you Must add your self to the vboxusers group:
sudo adduser $USER vboxusers
Adding user `ionstorm' to group `vboxusers' ...
Adding user ionstorm to group vboxusers
Setup VirtualBox USB Support:
USB is disable
Ubuntu-Wiki: [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/System_verschl%C3%BCsseln]]
==== Debian: Date... Container einzubinden und wieder zu schließen.
%users ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/mount.crypt, /sbin/umount.cr... ten Beispiel wird für alle Mitglieder der Gruppe "users" die Partition "/dev/hda4" als /home eingebunden.:
volume users crypt - /dev/hda4 /home - - -
Das zweite Beispi
sswd newgroup'''
Changing the password for group users
New Password:
Re-enter new password:
4. Die Gr... rt.
user@sonne> id
uid=500(user) gid=100(users) Gruppen=100(users),102(fibel)
user@sonne> newgrp fibel
user@sonne> id
uid=500(user) gid=102(fibel) Gruppen=100(users),102(fibel)
user@sonne> newgrp root
===== MadWifi =====
==== A... nnvoll, einen DHCP-Server wie [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ISC-DHCPD|DHCPD]] oder [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Dnsmasq|Dnsmasq]] einzusetzen. Weiterhin ist es a... ich, mit diesen Mitteln einen [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Router|Router]] aufzusetzen.
Englisch: [[http
e that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable [[wiki:syntax]]. The e... * [[doku>features|A feature list]] :!:
* [[doku>users|Happy Users]]
* [[doku>press|Who wrote about it]]
* [[doku>blogroll|What Bloggers think]]
* [[http... out the user forum]]
* [[doku>irc|Talk to other users in the IRC channel]]
* [[https://github.com/spl
===== The GNOME way =====
Baobab does for GNOME users what KDirStat does for KDE users -- search and destroy. Like KDirStat, Baobab can be used with other des... write disk usage and backup scripts. But desktop users are probably better off using the graphical utili
2; done
... but that doesn't work like most Unix users would expect. You'd have to pass this command a p... a big system, and you want to contact one of the users who is logged in, don't you just hate it when you... n the person's full name? Many a time I have seen users locking up a process, but their user ID means not
egal restrictions.
For Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Users run the following command
<code>sudo wget http://... tu-keyring
sudo apt-get update</code>
**For i386 Users install Codecs using the following command**
<co... install w32codecs libdvdcss2</code>
**For amd64 Users install Codecs using the following command**
# Time in seconds between annoying users to signoff prior to
# system shutdown. 0 disable... Initial delay after power failure before warning users to get
# off the system.
# The condition which determines when users are prevented from
# logging in during a power fa
, which can be a difficult transition for Windows users. The KDE desktop would be a lot more familiar to Windows users, as KDE has something comparable to the start men
he local computer.
Go to System->Administration->Users and Groups, select the group “fuse” and then add ... fusermount binary is installed in such a way that users cannot execute it. You will have to log out and l
nter Ubuntu (mit Codecs)]]
[[https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Tuning/|Tuning von Ubuntu]]
Kubuntu aus ubun... ntel Grafikkarten einrichten: [[http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Grafikkarten/Intel]]
====== Update von LTS a