still a desirable feature, you may still wish to use it when you are plugged in, and only shut down if... ve the line commented out which will allow you to use your EEEPc with the lid closed and an external di... u'd rather just shut the screen off to save power use
<code bash>
LID_STATE=`cat /proc/acpi/... d" ] ; then
# /etc/acpi/
su user -c "DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force suspend"
elif [ $
moving on to the eeeXubuntu OS, more support and useability.\\
That said, here's how to get what you... :
Install advanced desktop via the wiki info
Used information from\\ artup script:
Simply create a file "kwrite /home/user/.kde/Autostart/compiz.desktop" with this content
te laufen.
===Problem mit dem LAN===
Bei einigen Usern gab es Probleme mit dem LAN. Auch wenn es selts... n behoben!
Wenn ihr ganz normale Java-User seid:
sudo apt-get install icedtea-java7... -plugin
EDIT: Ich habe die Info von einem User erhalten, dass die 7er Version noch hier und da
izontal scrolling via the touchpad, attempting to use this feature in Mozilla Firefox (the Eee web brow... n the standard_mouse.ini in a text editor as sudo user(sudo nano standard_mouse.ini)