====== Kinect ======
USB: [[http://ladyada.net/learn/diykinect/]]
[[http:... [[http://www.openni.org]]
PrimeSense has provided us with this key that everyone can use: 0KOIk2JeIBYClPWVnMoRKn5cdY4=
===== OpenKinect / FreeNect =====
... (Rauminformation mit gemappten Webcam-Bild; mit Maus räumlich drehbar; Tasten: w,s,c)
==== O
r richtig funktioniert.
[[http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/systemsetup/xbox360/accessories/universal... .
Press and hold the TV and OK buttons simultaneously for two seconds. All buttons on the remote will... 192
Nikko 0047, 0062
Onwa 0038, 0248
Optimus 0106
Optonica 0054, 0110
Orion 0012, 0129,... 62, 0063, 0066, 0105, 0152, 0249
White-Westinghouse 0486
Yamaha 0005, 0050, 0062, 0066