Bei Tasmota ist das so, dass der jeweilige Schalter oder Taster (Switch/Button) IMMER das jeweilige Relais schaltet. z.B. Wenn Switch 1 ODER Button1 betätigt wird, dann schaltet Relais1! Bei Switch2 das 2. Relai (wenn vorhanden). Das kann nerven und einen in den Wahnsinn treiben, wenn man das nicht weiß. Abschalten lässt sich das mit:
SetOption114 1
By default a switch toggles the corresponding power state (e.g., Switch1 controls Power1). Every time the switch gets flipped the power state of the relay toggles.
Damit zusammenhängend:
Ein Schalter wirs gar nicht via MQTT gemeldet (wenn nicht detached mit SetOption114 1). Wenn detached, gibt es eine 'RESULT = {„Switch1“:{„Action“:„OFF“}}'. Das versteht ha aber nicht und der Sensor wird erst geupdated, wenn das nächste SENSOR kommt (zeitgesteuert).Es dauert oft Minuten, bis der Schalter geupdated wird.
Daher: 1)
With command
SwitchMode<x> 15
you can decouple Switch<x> from its power output and it will instead send MQTT messages in the following format:
MQT: tele/tasmota/SENSOR = {"Time":"2021-01-01T00:00:00","Switch1":"OFF"} MQT: tele/tasmota/SENSOR = {"Time":"2021-01-01T00:00:01","Switch1":"ON"} You can globally change the status text with StateText command. You can change the default "Switch1" text using SwitchText<x> command. For example: SwitchText1 Garage_Door_State
When Setoption114 1 is used together with SwitchMode<x> 15, Tasmota Integration in Home Assistant will create a binary sensor in HA using the Default text „String1“ or the text mentioned in the SwitchText command.
Dann erkennt ha die Änderungen am Schalter sofort.
Relais nach X Sekunden wieder ausschalten
PulseTime<x> Display the amount of PulseTime remaining on the corresponding Relay (enumerated)
<value> Set the duration to keep the corresponding Relay ON when Power<x> ON command is issued. After this amount of time, the relay will be turned OFF.
0 / OFF = disable use of PulseTime for the corresponding Relay
1..111 = set PulseTime for the corresponding Relay in 0.1 second increments
112..64900 = set PulseTime for the corresponding Relay, offset by 100, in 1 second increments. Add 100 to desired interval in seconds, e.g., PulseTime 113 = 13 seconds and PulseTime 460 = 6 minutes (i.e., 360 seconds)
Weitere Beispiele für den Bereich 0,1 bis 11,1:
Haltezeit von 3,7 Sekunden:
PulseTime1 37
Haltezeit von 4,2 Sekunden:
PulseTime1 42
PulseTime deaktiveren:
PulseTime1 0
Go to your sonoff console and enter
SetOption19 1
This turns on auto discover.
Then in HA go to Configuration > Integrations > MQTT .
I had a similar experience with the Teckin plug. Autodiscovery wouldn’t work. I finally did this:
MQTT Discovery REMOVED~ Home Assistant MQTT Discovery is removed from all builds of Tasmota and development of this feature is halted! 2)
Tasmota-Version muss >9 sein!
If you can avoid it, don't use GPIOs: 0, 1, 2, 6-11, 15 and 16. That leaves 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 as GPIOs without any constraints. 3 being RX is also good to avoid (PWM is not working on this GPIO).
Pull-UP 10k
Kellerlicht aus & an:
20:47:03.567 MQT: tele/rf_tasmota_B29E24/RESULT = {"Time":"2023-08-19T20:47:03","RfReceived":{"Sync":10380,"Low":270,"High":950,"Data":"504014","RfKey":"None"}}
20:47:07.085 MQT: tele/rf_tasmota_B29E24/RESULT = {"Time":"2023-08-19T20:47:07","RfReceived":{"Sync":10390,"Low":270,"High":940,"Data":"504015","RfKey":"None"}}
20:58:32.825 CMD: RfRaw AAB155
20:58:32.832 MQT: stat/rf_tasmota_B29E24/RESULT = {"RfRaw":"ON"}
20:58:32.854 MQT: tele/rf_tasmota_B29E24/RESULT = {"Time":"2023-08-19T20:58:32","RfRaw":{"Data":"AAA055"}}
20:58:38.138 MQT: tele/rf_tasmota_B29E24/RESULT = {"Time":"2023-08-19T20:58:38","RfRaw":{"Data":"AA B1 03 014A 03E8 2878 28190819081818181819081818181818181818190819081818 55"}}
20:58:40.601 MQT: tele/rf_tasmota_B29E24/RESULT = {"Time":"2023-08-19T20:58:40","RfRaw":{"Data":"AA B1 03 0154 03DE 2896 28190819081818181819081818181818181818190819081908 55"}}
Nach Konvertierung:
Aus: AA B0 21 03 08 014A 03E8 2878 28190819081818181819081818181818181818190819081818 55
An: AA B0 21 03 08 0154 03DE 2896 28190819081818181819081818181818181818190819081908 55
Funktioniert: an/aus
cmnd/rf_tasmota_B29E24/RFCode Payload: #504014 (aus) #504015 (an)
2er-Relais mit ESP & Tasmota
Innendurchmesser: 101 mm
Außendurchmeßer: 105 mm
Wandstärke 1,7 mm (1m lang)