nity any Console acc acc Admin Building managment system
Apple AirPort Base Station (Graphite) 2 Multi (n... all over Admin this default user normally for ALL system in this area with one Password
Bausch Datacom Pr... NS all Multi CISCO15 otbu+1 Admin Optical Network System - http/TL1
Cisco-Arrowpoint Arrowpoint admin system Admin
Compaq Insight Manager administrator adminis
====Übersi... ch den Gruppeneintrag in der Datei [[Linuxfibel - System-Administration - Nutzerverwaltung#Die Datei /etc/... te der Gruppenmitglieder der Datei [[Linuxfibel - System-Administration - Gruppenverwaltung#Die Datei /etc... ussagen wie für die Passwörter der [[Linuxfibel - System-Administration - Nutzerverwaltung#Die Datei /etc/
Mittlerweile gibt es bei der Installation ei...|Ubuntu System bei der Installation verschlüsseln] - Bei der Ins... ptsetup und LUKS verschlüsselt. Ein existierendes System kann dabei erhalten bleiben. Auch eine Neuinstall... tliche verfügbare Speicherplatz
Das existierende System kann dabei auch auf '''/''' bleiben. Die für die
er:** Ich übernehme keine Garantie für Schäden am System, Verlust von Daten oder sonst irgendwas. Jeder de... n es nicht glückt immer von der DVD von Asus sein System zurücksetzen.
Bei diesem Tutorial gehe ich von e...
Folgendes eingeben:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt-system
vi /mnt-system/boot/grub/menu.lst
* //"i"// taste drücken (für Berabeitungsmodus)
* Zwische
swap partitions of disk drives, causing the whole system to become sluggish.
The Fedora installation CDs ... reason, the Fedora Linux kernel installed on your system is probably sufficient. The installation process ... iness environment is usually unnecessary. If your system starts to slow down and you can't afford to repla... ly, because the wrong parameters could cause your system to fail to boot, software to malfunction, or hard
requency control - and many are unstable. If your System locks-Hard - you have a bad implementation :)
S... default - then change to:
root # cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/
cpufreq # ls
affected_ cpuinfo... # cat scaling_available_governors
The System will set the speed up to 800MHz in this special c... uency. In short - it will dynamically monitor the system load and regulate the CPU Frequency accordingly.
netstat -tupl</td><td>List internet services on a system</td></tr>
<tr><td>•</td><td class="nw">netstat -tup</td><td>List active connections to/from system</td></tr>
<tr id="windows" class="pbtitle"><td c... ace -c ls >/dev/null</td><td>Summarise/profile system calls made by command</td></tr>
<tr><td>•</td><... ">strace -f -e open ls >/dev/null</td><td>List system calls made by command</td></tr>
The following was based on a Ubuntu 6.06 system but any distro will do as long as you can install... uthorized_key to the .ssh directory of the remote system. (use 'scp' for secure comms)
- 'scp /<user's ... may have to create the .ssh folder on the remote system if it is not there. this happen to me on my OpenB... you connect you should have direct access to the system and not be prompted for a passphrase.
== 4 ==
====== Get CPU / System Load Average on Ubuntu Linux ======
Ubuntu linux has a rich set of commands for getting system info. One of the useful pieces of information that a system administrator might need is to know what the over
quickly convert html filenames for use on a dossy system
# only handles file extensions, not filenames
fo... e them. Issue the command file /usr/bin/* on your system and and you may be surprised at how many Bourne a... 123456789 awk
# Note different string indexing system:
# Bash numbers first character of string as '0'.... un", that is: do not perform any operation on the system, just print messages describing what will happen
er located in the head of the game. The Operating System controlling the PC is called XINA (which stands f... nguage Environment} where APPLE was the operating system used for WPC). XINA is unique in it's command str... ayer on top of PC-XINU, a multithreaded operating system originally created by Douglas Comer and documente... asons. For example, making Linux into a real-time system with thread support would involve modifying the k
Ubuntu-Wiki: [[]]
==== Debian: Daten verschlüsseln ====
[[cryptsetup:crypt system|Das ganze System verschlüsseln unter Ubuntu]]
[[cryptsetup:usb-rules|Das Problem der eindeutigen Zuordnu... SB-Stick mit dem Schlüssel eingesteckt, fährt das System ohne Benutzereingaben hoch und entsperrt alle in
il to root
system=`hostname --fqdn`
for line in `df -aPh | grep "^/... ce warning!" | mail -a "From: spacecsekker" -s "[$system] $line"
Quelle((... he disk space being use by directory in the Linux system The du command can be use to find the size of file and the size of directory in Linux system. The example below show the step to use the du co