wobei die erste das Betriebssystem und zahlreiche Software enthält und nur "read-only" gemountet ist. Sobald man zum Beispiel OpenOffice updaten will, mus... tie für Schäden am System, Verlust von Daten oder sonst irgendwas. Jeder der diesen Schritt macht muss... ://wiki.eeeuser.com/howto:removeunionfs
Benötigte Software: PartedMagic ( http://partedmagic.com/downl
on't already have a Section "Extensions", add one somewhere (still in your xorg.conf) :
Section "Ex... >F10\\
now this should take effect immediately, so alt+F10 to bring the windows to size
----------... ve a window decorator (ie title bar). This can be solved as follows (with thanks to Forum member Ravex... to during launch.
This is the case because, for some reason, the gtk-window-decorator is looking for