They simple perform simple string operations on a single argument. You shouldn't use wild cards with them ... e # and the % operators. We also see them used as single characters and in pairs. This gives us four combi... ures is to iterate over a list of components in a single variable.
For example, you might want to do some... s or no.
The brief option selector: a single character. It is safer to choose a single letter
10 Time Winning The probability of winning a Single Bonus increases 10 times.
3 Bets It is a state t... 3 types of bonuses, Big Bonus, Regular Bonus, and Single Bonus.
[Lock-In Bonus] Bonus flag is formed for... Replay is done, its Shift Flag is carried over.
Single Bonus One of the bonus games. The player gets to
To convert a single web page type:
<code> htmldoc --webpage -f outp... .
<code><!-- MEDIA DUPLEX NO --></code>
Chooses single-sided printing for the page; breaks to a new page
Modem) erreichbar ist.
D1 und andere verwenden "Single-Numbering", d.h. die eigene Rufnummer kann
auch f... ltet (offenbar auch bei Service-Providern)
Durch "Single Numbering" sind auch *ankommende*
Anrufe moeglich
erently within a double-brackets test than within single brackets.
[[ $a == z* ]] # True if $... rators work with the test command or occur within single test brackets.
if [ "$expr1" -a "$expr2"
he application I am making will in the end have a single client on a single computer, placed on a boat. Since we control everything about this, requiring that one
# serviced but if you want it to listen to a single subnet you can
# set it up to that subnet addres...
# Additionally you can listen for a single IP like
NISIP 192.1
Millennium G400 SGRAM
Millennium G400 Single Head
Millennium G450
Millennium G450 A... um G450 AGP Dual Head LX
Millennium G450 AGP Single Head LX
Millennium G450 DVI