
Technicolor Showcase

8mm (Suer8) Filmprojektor mit Ton. Spielt Kassetten ab.

Meiner: Modell 2050ME

Lampe: Lamp 80 W, 21 V, type ENV or EPG

Marketed 1973-74

Screen size 190 x 250 mm

made in USA by Technicolor


Technicolor Sound Movie Cartridge (1968 – 1970s) 1)

The Technicolor Sound Movie Cartridge (also known as the TK Cassette) was an endless loop cartridge system for Super 8 film, introduced by Technicolor in 1968 to be played in the new 1000-A projector system that contained its own built in speaker. Being cartridge-based meant no threading of film, and was similar in concept to audio tape cartridge systems like 8-Track. At the end of the film, a notch indicated to the projector to switch off.


Technicolor Magi-Cartridge (early 1960s – early 1970s) 2)

Unendlicher Loop, stoppt aber, wenn am Ende.


IPAC Logistic 79er oder so.

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