====== Howto: Shut down on lid close ======
The suspend mode from closing the lid still drains the battery quite quickly. The following hack shuts down rather than suspends when you close the l... lose the lid on your EEE it runs /etc/acpi/lidbtn.sh
The script to shut down the EEE safely and quick
====== Remove the Shutdown Dialog Box ======
Some people find the shutdown dialog box annoying. You can change the behavi... nd type:
sudo su
cd /opt/xandros/bin
mv shutdown_dialog shutdown_dialog.backup
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nsudo /sbin/fastshutdown.sh' > shutdown_d
AIGLX is integrated in the X server. Also, it should get loaded automatically. Ensure that it does...
cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i aiglx
which should say (==) AIGLX enabled (with a bunch of error... mpiz/general/allscreens/options)\\
scroll to the shortcut for maximize vertically and change from Disabled to:\\
now this should take effect immediately, so alt+F10 to bring
op, type “horizscroll.withnokey” The window below should now show only 3 pereferences.
The first preference is “mousewheel.horizscroll.withnok... (Default: false)
After you do this, all 3 lines should be shown in bold text instead of normal text, showing that you have changed them from their defau
ressor-decompressor'. The version of MPlayer that ships with the EEE can play quite a few different ty... lt-t
- In the terminal window, type ''sudo /usr/share/mplayer/scripts/binary_codecs.sh install''
- Wait a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on t... u are specifying that an older version of MPlayer should be installed; the version number shown above