43 ls
44 df
45 ls -a
46 rm .AME/ .bash_history .cache/ .dbus/ .gsynaptics/ .lftp/ .PIMDS...
174 vi switch_monitor.c
175 chmod 755 gen.sh
176 ls
177 ./gen.sh
178 ls
179 vi switch_monitor.c
180 ls
181 ls
182 ls
183... 232 rm P_*
233 ls
234 vi /usr/bin/lvdsvga.sh
235 ls
236 ls
237 rm P_WMV_7_2M.wmv
external monitor, open a file named dual_desktop.sh and put the following in it:
xrandr -s 1280x1024
xrandr --output LVDS --left-of VG... a chmod +x on it:
<code>$ chmod +x dual_desktop.sh</code>
Press Fn-F5 till both your Acer Aspire On... ive. Then run the script:
$ ./dual_desktop.sh</code>
Now when you run it, you should be able t
* Phone number: *99*#
* Push -> "Setup"
* Under the Tab: "Modem"
... * Check "Dock in notification area"
* Push Close
That should hopefully do it. Connect your