Computer Corp {1028} : Rage 3D LT Pro
OEM Toshiba America Information Systems {1179} : Rage LT P... ok
OEM IBM {1014} : ThinkPad A20m
OEM Toshiba America Information Systems {1179} : Satellite... "2"><tr><td width="5%"></td><td width="95%">
OEM Sharp Corp {13bd} : Cyber9388 Video Accelerator on sharp PC-A520 Notebook
ession utilities for your .ZIP archives, .PNG snapshots, .MNG video clips and .GZ files.
* AdvanceBO... vailable games and start them pressing ENTER.
To shutdown select "PowerOff" in the menu, or simply po... e game play you can use the following keys:
F1 Show the keys used in the game.
ESC Exit and retur... 5 Insert coin.
1 Play.
LCTRL, LSHIFT First button.
LALT, LWIN, \ Second button.