: Produkt
* NOTE: a fairly complete list of PCI codes can be found at:
* [[http://www.pcidatabase.com/]]
* (but it doesn't always seem to ma... ch vendor documentation)
* List of known PCI vendors
vendor MARTINMARIETTA 0x003d Martin... puter Products
vendor COMPAQ2 0x1032 Compaq (2nd PCI Vendor ID)
vendor NEC 0x1033 NEC
vendor BURNDY
steps I took:
1) Download and untar the file gspcav120071224.tar.gz:
wget -c http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca50x/Download/gspcav1-20071224.tar.gz
tar xvfz gspcav120071224.tar.gz
2) Compile and install the driver:
<code>cd gspc