Hopefully, this gives you something to think about and to play with until the next article. If you're interested in more hints about bash (or other stuff I've written about), please take a look at my home page. If you've got questions ... e>
Hopefully, this gives you something to think about and to play with until the next article. If you'r
a small press switch. Sometimes it has a LED readout displaying numbers 1-6 and sometimes it doesn't. ... achines front LED display if there is now LED readout by the switch. Press the switch and you should se... bers from 1-6. The numbers indicated different payout percentages with 1 being the lowest and 6 being t... (Assist Time).
Coin Selector A part that sorts out the tokens thrown in. It is located on the back o
DVD and USB disk able to play games on any PC without any installation.
* AdvanceSCAN is a command l... oot it in any PC and play the contained games without any installation. The default distribution contai... x. You cannot read this filesystem in Windows without using special tools.
=== app.img mounten / ände... continuous demo mode.
<code>idle_start START_TIMEOUT REPEAT_TIMEOUT</code>
ank lines. If you want to **force a newline** without a paragraph, you can use two backslashes followed...
or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it.
This is some text with some linebreaks\\ N... or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it.
You should use forced newlines only if reall... by using a colon in the pagename.
For details about namespaces see [[doku>namespaces]].
Linking to a
short way. The second way requires you to know about your system and how you partitioned it. It is mor... said would be important.)
If everything worked out correctly you should be able to see everything in... happened to me and was quite difficult to figure out. Thanks to this question on launchpad I was able to figure it out.
Ansicht aller Module/Elemente im Layout: [[http://oxid-tpl-debug.stahlwarenhaus-hebsacker... </code>
There are other ways to do the same - without loading the data - just simply setting the ID wit... $oxViewConfig->getLogoutLink() - Returns shop logout link
$oxViewConfig->getSslSelfLink() - Return... rder
http://www.myDomain.de/out/oxbaseshop/html/ ebenfalls im Admin einsetzbar
rade at work yesterday, however I got a warning about the fglrx driver not existing in the next version... river got disabled, so I was unable to work for about 25 mins.
I did however manage to resolve the iss... tup for my 2 monitors, which I was not to happy about. I needed to dig deeper and find some docs on how to actually setup 2 monitors. It turns out that the ati driver in xorg, is just a front pack
* Kismet is an excellent tool for sniffing out wireless networks as well and could prove useful.... oblems we might have to use airreplay to fiddle about.
I'll leave you to config all these tools up, fo... t it can discover all the important information about the networks around. What we want from kismet is:... ckme
The second line shows us some info about the AP as well as the number of beacons and data
xperiment in making a high-speed Linux router without support for SCSI, USB, Bluetooth, and sound but w... prevented from loading at boot time by commenting out its entry in the /etc/modprobe.conf file, or by u...
* You can add new devices to your system without requiring a new kernel, only the new module drive... needed. This adds a great deal of flexibility without a lot of systems administrator overhead.
ans that, apccontrol will be called with the powerout argument
# immediately when a power failure is ... # powerfailures, make sure that apccontrol powerout does nothing
# i.e. comment out the wall.
# Note: BATTERYLEVEL, MINUTES, and TIMEOUT work in conjunction, so
# the first that occurs w
ted to it with no obligations.
XINU also turned out to be quite easy to turn into a real-time system,... Pool
MARTIANS Displays parameters about the two bouncing Martians
martians... table
PRINTOUT Displays via shell various printouts / a