, then ${#filename} would have the value 6.
The other operator (${#array[*]}) has to do with array vari... anded value of param is unset or null, and $param otherwise.
To use negative offsets that begin with a... If you're interested in more hints about bash (or other stuff I've written about), please take a look at ... If you're interested in more hints about bash (or other stuff I've written about), please take a look at
're going to learn about title files shortly) and other META information you supply in your HTML files. ... first H1 element. Any text, images, tables, and other viewable elements that precede the first H1 eleme... ke sure you have an H1 element in your HTML file, otherwise HTMLDOC will not convert anything!
===== Se... ed to the current page if empty, or the next page otherwise.
<code><!-- FOOTER CENTER "foo" --></code>
cards branded by D-Link
and others.
admtek ADMTek Linux ... hey act
more or less like any other wireless interface would.
ipw2200 In... itor VAPs have
been removed, otherwise madwifi will not properly report
... itor VAPs have
been removed, otherwise madwifi will not properly report
nberra.edu.au/~chrisc/xinu.html) PC-XINU won over other operating systems for a few reasons. For example,... ral interest: fb, attack_mars, and scenemgr. Many others are interesting (e.g. pinevents), but these thre... s to this section)
Typing the command (with no other text) will display the proper usage of the comman...
IGMP Connect / disconnect via network to other machines
igmp < join | leave> <gro
and if the Wii Remote has the sensor bar (or any other infrared light source) in sight the mousepointer ... lly comfortable.
To use the sensorbar (or any other infrared source) add somelines to xorg.conf. Somewhere near the other InputDevice sections add:
<code>Section "InputDe... ngs for the buttons to keys, and is linked by the other config files.
I've made a new config file, which
[doku>Interwiki]] links. These are quick links to other Wikis. For example this is a link to Wikipedia's ... [doku>Interwiki]] links. These are quick links to other Wikis.
For example this is a link to Wikipedia'... combining the syntax for links and [[#images_and_other_files|images]] (see below) like this:
[[http:/... accepted in link names.
The whole [[#images_and_other_files|image]] and [[#links|link]] syntax is suppo
FC linux/Debian Linux (this should work with ALL Other distros as well :D )
(B) ppp0 is internet interf... e Silkworm all Multi admin password Admin Also on other Fiberchannel switches
Brocade Fabric OS Multi ad... lti vt100 public Admin Swap MAC address chip from other 8224
IBM 3534 F08 Fibre Switch Multi admin passw... Just a note - netscreen is now made by Juniper - otherwise no change
Juniper Netscreen 3.2+ Console ser
of the line "blacklist fglrx", if it is present. Otherwise, the kernel module will not load automaticall... remove the i82875p_edac module and restart a some others:
<code>rmmod i82875p_edac
rmmod fglrx
rmmod int... [[Ubuntu Gutsy Installation Guide#Verifying]], or other links: [http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Troubles... ood option, if you are using compiz-fusion or any other transparency-based thingie. Not working for HD 38
s core infrastructure, such as memory, disks, and other input/output (I/O) devices for the user's benefit... rnel experience to help, and use this chapter and other references as a guide to prepare you for what to ... If the kernel has been updated using yum or some other method, the sources will be located in the /core/... . Some critical modules are loaded automatically, others need to be specified in the /etc/modprobe.conf f
ation is done, the game has won something. On the other hand, if the flag is not raised or formed, the ga... to stop by looking at the spinning reel.
Missed Other than winning.
Net Increase (Number of tokens in... the next game for free.
Renchan Bonus, AT, and other jackpots come out one after another.
Reverse Pus
off them I specify that it’s to the right off the other monitor. I then need to refer to these 2 monitors... like that big off a deal. There will actually be others using parts off the app as well from other browsers, but not the data entry view which has all the Java
most guaranteed to fail to maintain A/V sync with other muxers such as MPEG. This is why it is necessary ... ng options to lavcopts, such as trell, mbd=2, and others. Note that qpel and v4mv, while often useful wit... e libavcodec MP2 is far from being as good as the other two libraries, however it should always be availa
[[http://community.giffgaff.com/t5/Other-Off-Topic/Debranding-Unlocking-an-HTC-Desire/td-p... oid on VirtualBox =====
Vbox-Settings: Linux >> Other
Download Image
Bootorder: Disabe Floppy, CD, et
ll' option.
# Incremental backups are made on any other days.
# USAGE: backup.sh [full]
# get day of... month.
# Then incremental backups are made on the other days.
# Quielle: http://wiki.hetzner.de/index.p
ile or directory in either view selects it in the other as well. You can also open files directly from th... d destroy. Like KDirStat, Baobab can be used with other desktops and window managers as well. If it's not