]; then # -n tests to see if the argument is non empty
echo "the variable X is not the emp... duces true if...
number of operands
operand non zero length
operand has zero length
t... e. There are string operators and numeric comparison operators as well. If the file argument to one of... 2
True if file1 is newer (according to modification date) than file2.
file1 -ot file2
True if file
ere Prozesse. In letzterem Fall spricht man auch von »Pipelining«.
Zunächst fassen wir alle Möglichkeiten zur Umleitung von Ein- und Ausgaben zusammen:
<code>< datei
Standar... eitung =====
Das Programm liest nun nicht mehr von der Tastatur (stdin), sondern aus einer Datei, bi... umleitung erfolgt durch das Zeichen "<", gefolgt von einem Dateinamen.
Kommando < Dateiname
====== input passwords ======
Common practice for inputing passwords is to read the text without displaying it on the screen. The UNIX Bourne shell does not have this functionality as a command, but a combination of commands will make this work.
The stty comman... wever, it is poor programming to make the assumption that echo is on. In some cases, echoing of charac