nux is getting more and more user-friendly al lot of things cost most time and effort than you are use... d you will soon be making weird gestures in front of your linux pc.
Be sure to have BlueZ installe... also required. But in the current version (0.1.2) of WMD the use is disabled or obsolete, see WMD_DESI... he mousepointer will be taken over.
The design of WMD is pretty clear and allow you to add your own
ext, we need to find the bluetooth device address of your Wii remote, this will allow you to connect t... n example).
Check to see if all the capabilities of your Wii Remote (and extra controllers) work
Sta... t /etc/modules</code>
Insert this line at the end of the file
So the whole file sh... ad at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot ti
* bdaddr: specifies the bluetooth device address of the wiimote. If unspecified, the environment var... media_Keys can help you set this up. An overview of the process described there:
- Assign the key ... ~/.Xmodmap, and use xmodmap to map them. (A copy of my ~/.Xmodmap is included in cwiid/doc)
- Use ... /wminput.
Configuration files specify the mapping of button and key symbols to wiimote buttons, and ax