g .vmdk Virtual Disc Image To a .vdi File ======
Now we need to convert your existing VMWare disc imag... ting:
sudo apt-get install qemu
Now open a terminal and go into the folder where you’... a few minutes, the conversion will be completed. Now we’ve got a raw hard disk image and we want to tr... r "Aria", which is in the Ubuntu repositories.
Now that we’ve got vditool, we need to make it execut
sudo apt-get -y install virtualbox
Now you Must add your self to the vboxusers group:
<c... devices
#mount --rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb
Now uncomment the last 4 lines above to look like thi... unt --rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb
Ok now logoff, then log back in so the vbox driver see's... /bus/usb usbfs devgid=124,devmode=664 0 0
Now lets edit the mountkernfs.sh file with the gid in
MacOS / OSX / Snow Leopard in der Virtual Box installieren
Man benötigt VBox 3.2 in der nicht-OSE-Ausf... t “Intel PRO/1000 MT server”
Siehe: [[http://www.taranfx.com/install-snow-leopard-virtualbox]]