e into words
echo "$line" | read -A words
# Now you can access the line either word-wise or strin... g="abcde\nfghilm"
mbfl_string_chars "${string}"
# Now:
# "${#string}" = $SPLITCOUNT
# a = "${SPLITFIEL... F_NAME or S_NAME. Here's what the finished script now looks like, using the functions:
$ pg func2
!/... $0~/[^a-z]/) print "1"}'`
String to lower case
Now I've done it. Because I have shown you the str_to
t 0
[root@bigboy SPECS]#
5. The tree has now been created in the /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-... @bigboy linux]# make oldconfig
You should now be ready to compile a customized kernel at your l... re included as part of this core program, whereas now they are loaded on demand as modules.
==== Reaso... ted part of any kernel.
Loadable kernel modules now include device drivers to manage various types of
e but a few they are:
* Locking and mounting is now handled directly by the NFS protocol rather than by seperate deamons.
* The protocol is now stateful so crashes are handled more cleanly.
* There is far more caching so NFS is now much faster.
* Fully standardized protocol over... han have several (easy to understand) exports you now have to build a virtual export tree. There are up
g .vmdk Virtual Disc Image To a .vdi File ======
Now we need to convert your existing VMWare disc imag... ting:
sudo apt-get install qemu
Now open a terminal and go into the folder where you’... a few minutes, the conversion will be completed. Now we’ve got a raw hard disk image and we want to tr... r "Aria", which is in the Ubuntu repositories.
Now that we’ve got vditool, we need to make it execut
MY_WIIMOTE_ADDR so that they match your system.
Now we are ready to run WMD:
sudo python WMD.py
... n and type:
<code>wminput -c ir_ptr</code>
Now can use the use the Wii Remote the way you are us... mplayer with it, and that's the main thing - for now!
There are a couple of things I'm not quite ... fairly new to Linux (been using it about 8 months now), so my understanding is still a little limited.
pt the Key ====
Ok, pretend you have enough IVs now to attempt a crack. Goto a new terminal (without ... or -n 128 : WEP key length, omit if not known by now.
So our command will look like:
<code> ./aircr... too. We'll call your new MAC address "Fake MAC".
Now most APs need clients to reassociate every 30 sec... 7:30 Association successful :-)</code>
Awesome! Now you can use the above two attacks even though the
ora 9.
I assume many (if not all) of you have by now experienced the following problem when installing... /fedora-release-8-6.transition.noarch.rpm
Now verify that the package sha1sum matches ''9a684ad... fedora-release-8-6.transition.noarch.rpm</code>
Now import the new GPG-key like so:
<code># rpm --im... 8-and-9</code>
And that should be it. You should now be able to download and install VLC (among other
er partitions on the same disk, if you like.
# Now repeat all the steps from the first disk for the ... beside swap) should be marked for RAID use.
# Now look at the first menu entry in the partitioner m... f you like to write the changes, with "Yes".
# Now pick "Create MD device".
# Use RAID1 and give ... ns.
# You are back in the partitioner menu and now you see one ore more new partitions named as "Sof
sudo apt-get -y install virtualbox
Now you Must add your self to the vboxusers group:
<c... devices
#mount --rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb
Now uncomment the last 4 lines above to look like thi... unt --rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb
Ok now logoff, then log back in so the vbox driver see's... /bus/usb usbfs devgid=124,devmode=664 0 0
Now lets edit the mountkernfs.sh file with the gid in
erent from your login passphrase.)
* You should now get two lines looking like this:
* Inserted aut... top README.txt
# so cd ...
bodhi@ubuntu:~$ cd
# Now we can see the decrypted data ...
bodhi@ubuntu:~$... me partition and / root partition do this. I will now assume you know where /home partition and / root
old schema:
<code>% mysqladmin drop db1</code>
Now update the user rights:
<code>mysql> UPDATE db SE... AND !(r.reorder_id > 0) AND p.date_delete > DATE(NOW()) ORDER BY r.classlist_id
Reparieren (h... AND !(r.reorder_id > 0) AND p.date_delete > DATE(NOW()) LIMIT 250
==== 1 Feld: alles klein
<code># cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /root/</code>
Now open the file:
<code># mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.co... and reboot to activate the virtual screen size.
Now, to be able to clone your desktop to the external... un the script:
$ ./dual_desktop.sh</code>
Now when you run it, you should be able to drag appli
released. I upgraded my home comp yesterday, and now did my workstation at work today. At home I have ... 3360 1050
Now I need to explain some details about this setup. ... ati drivers, and I also got compiz to work fully. Now I just need to figure out how I can replace xfwm4