export $foo="this is a test" echo ${foo%%t*is}
While the # and % identifiers may not seem obviou... essage is given, print parameter null or not set. Note: In a non-interactive shell, this will abort the ... ot set bash: baz: parameter null or not set
== NOTE ==
The colon (:) in the above operators can be o... .tar.gz which will be stripped off of the output. Note that basename and dirname don't verify that these
f line.
This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the
two backslashes are only recognized at t... t it.
This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the
two backslashes are only recognized at... This links to [[syntax#internal|this Section]].
* Links to [[syntax|existing pages]] are sho... \\server\share|this]] are recognized, too. Please note that these only make sense in a homogeneous user
he video cards supported by AdvanceCD.
Please note that not all the OEM cards are listed. If your ca... if the OEM vendor is not
in the list.
Please note that some laptop video cards work only when conne... 95%">
OEM ASUSTeK Computer Inc {1043} : L2 Series Notebooks
OEM Dell Computer Corp {1028} : Latitud... Inc {1509} : Rage P/M Mobility AGP 2x on FIC A450 Notebook
OEM IBM {1014} : ThinkPad A20m
ugh the process is well documented in the release notes section of the Fedora website ([[http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/release-notes/]]) there are some clarifications that are neede... h modules to get the root filesystem mounted.
**Note:** In Fedora Linux, the /boot/grub/grub.conf file...
[root@bigboy linux-2.6.5-1.358]#
Note: In older versions of Fedora the command to do th
* NOTE: The commands under "Notes for AMD64 users" below work for Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy 32 bit and are much easier... the same file again. Please try that first.
* NOTE: To download vditool using a web browser, right c... change these invented names for real ones.
* NOTE: If you wish, remember that you can run vditool f
lass="pbtitle"><td colspan="3"><b>networking</b> (Note ifconfig, route, mii-tool, nslookup commands are ... title"><td colspan="3"><b>windows networking</b> (Note samba is the package that provides all this windo... btitle"><td colspan="3"><b>text manipulation</b> (Note sed uses stdin and stdout. Newer versions support... ="pbtitle"><td colspan="3"><b>set operations</b> (Note you can <a href="docs/env.html">export LANG=C</a>
"OpenGLOverlay" "off"
Note that when Visual Effects (Compiz) are active, fli... 4. Add driver to kernel module blacklist.''===
'''NOTE''': This step is no longer necessary with fglrx 8... e>DISABLED_MODULES="fglrx"</code>
Please note that after the modification above, the "Restricte... version string: 2.1.7873 Release
Please note: Depending on the particular ATI card that you ow
andard IBM PC/AT keyboard into the keyboard port (note that this PC has an old-fashion 5-pin DIN plug ra... d and place the machine into the SHELL mode. Also note that you can capture all printouts / command resp... setall | select<id>| start<id> | stopall >
Notes: the scenemgr command can be used to manage whic... .
=== Ethernet Configuration Instructions. ===
Note that depending on the motherboard in the RFM mach
orks as well as static passkey WPA or WPA-PSK
//Note:// Make sure you can get your card into monitor m... update aircrack with new IVs as it finds them.
//Note:// kimset can interfere with airodump so make sur... MAC Address> -h <Client MAC Address> ath0</code>
Note: The -3 specifys the type of attack (3=ARP Replay
r not.
~ $ sudo fdisk -l
~ $ df -h</code>
Note: The linux partitions must be mounted or you will... thread.php?t=1643532]]
# Set up chroot :
# Note my install (both home and /) on sda3
ubuntu@ubun... ''
- Remove ~/Private, ~/.Private, ~/.ecryptfs (Note: THIS IS VERY PERMANENT)
''$ rm -rf
tigt man alles fuer mobile Datenconnect?*
1. Notebook oder Organizer mit entsprechender Schnittstel... ommen.
Ein Kabel ist bei der Verbindung zwischen Notebook und Mobiltelefon
vorzuziehen, da die Fehlerfr... B. DMail, siehe www.brilla.com) kann man
auch per Notebook und Mobiltelefon benutzen.
Hinweise zu d