cken (für Berabeitungsmodus)
* Zwischen //title Normal Boot// und //title Perform Disk Scan// folgen... stem) in folgendes ändern:
''mount -t ext2 -o rw,noatime $ROOT /mnt''
* Zeile 18 bis 51 mit # ausk... ion | cut -f3 -d" "`
mount -t ext2 -o rw,noatime $ROOT /mnt
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo Could not mount OS on $ROOT. Starting debugging shell....
tion in default Xandros ======
Warning** i take no responsibility for you screwing up your computer: proceed at your own risk
Note** IF you really want all the glory of compiz-fu...
Restart the X server (Ctrl+Alt+backspace)\\
Now - install gconf to change settings:\\
sudo apt... lly and change from Disabled to:\\
now this should take effect immediately, so alt+F10