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nfs [2009/02/02 11:57] geraldnfs [2025/03/03 17:37] (aktuell) – [Client:] gerald
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 ====== NFS Network File System ====== ====== NFS Network File System ======
 +[[nfs:nfs4|UPDATE TO NFS4]]
 Tree services for NFS: nfs, nsflock and portmap Tree services for NFS: nfs, nsflock and portmap
Zeile 8: Zeile 9:
 ===== Client: ===== ===== Client: =====
 +Newer Ubuntu: you have to install:
 +sudo apt-get install nfs-common
  Only Portmap has to run. (kernel support must be given!)  Only Portmap has to run. (kernel support must be given!)
Zeile 28: Zeile 35:
 Sicherheitshinweise unten beachten! Sicherheitshinweise unten beachten!
 +Für NFSv3:
 +<code>sudo mount -t nfs test</code>
 +Für NFSv4:
 +Falls du NFSv4 nutzt, versuche es ohne /var/:
 +<code>sudo mount -t nfs4 test</code>
 +⚠ Prüfe mit:
 +<code>cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions</code>
 +Falls dort +4 steht, wird NFSv4 genutzt.
 ===== Server side: ===== ===== Server side: =====
Zeile 35: Zeile 62:
 /etc/exports /etc/exports
 </code> </code>
 +exportfs -ra
  The /etc/exports file is the standard for controlling which filesystems are exported to which hosts, as well as specifying particular options that control everything.   The /etc/exports file is the standard for controlling which filesystems are exported to which hosts, as well as specifying particular options that control everything. 
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nfs.1233575868.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/29 13:35 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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