seful, if you get it working, please post and let me know! If you do anything cool or extra, also please let me know, and I'll add it in here somewhere. If you h... st. I'll do my best to help, but it may be beyond me!
I'm still fairly new to Linux (been using it ab... knows a bit more about this than I do could tell me if I've done anything wrong, missed anything out,
If you've got questions or comments, please drop me a line.
Pattern Matching
There are two kinds of p... If you've got questions or comments, please drop me a line.
KSH Pattern-matching Operators
Korn shel... t easier to read (since I don't have to squint at me screen wondering which direction the "tick" is sl... up a process, but their user ID means nothing to me, so I have to grep the passwd file to get their f
könnt ihr neben ein paar Ventilatoren-Blocks den ME-Aufkleber finden. Wenn ihr an diesen Blocks hinau... n der linken Säule könnt ihr eine Kiste mit einem ME-Symbol darauf sehen. Wenn ihr hier hoch klettert,... ihr in den Lüftungsschacht. Wenn ihr zu dem roten ME-Symbol in diesem Schacht kommt, geht weiter gerad... gen Gang kommt. Hier seht ihr auf halber Höhe ein ME-Symbol. Ihr könnt über euch auf das Gitter klette
you mounted the wrong directory. This happened to me and was quite difficult to figure out. Thanks to ... partly because the )
( frustration made me brain dead." )
r Dr. Neuhaus "Gispy Card" ist unter Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
eine V.110-Verbindung recht einfach zu... ax-Software moeglich, die unter
Windows 3.1/95/98/ME/NT/2k/XP als "Drucker" angesteuert wird.
Das Faxp
a try...if you need help on how to add these, let me know...
I reviewed the thread -- I don't se... warnings, but again, it always works.
works for me...
===== Tesla K80 =====
Vorgesehen für den De
Ok so the other day someone asked me to figure something out and here was my reply in ... remote system if it is not there. this happen to me on my OpenBSD test box.
== 3 ==
verify that
loading or event modification wasn't possible for me, sounds like google calender does not support upl... ar (You can try iCalendar, but it didn't work for me. vCalendar doesn't seem to do repeating events to
loading or event modification wasn't possible for me, sounds like google calender does not support upl... ar (You can try iCalendar, but it didn't work for me.
vCalendar doesn't seem to do repeating events to