Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!
Distris, die auf Mame/etc. basieren:
Batocera (Linux Distribution)
V 37: MAME-Romset types:
Place your MAME ROMs in /userdata/roms/mame. If you'd like to, you could put ROMs intended for different versions of MAME into subfolders in this folder. For instance, you could put MAME2003-plus ROMs into the /userdata/roms/mame/mame2003plus. The latest versions of which ROMset to use can be found on the arcade guide.
Each romset is specific to the version of MAME being used:
* 0.37b5 ROMset for the libretro: imame4all version * 0.78plus ROMset for the libretro: mame078plus version * 0.139 ROMset for the libretro: mame0139 version * Latest ROMset at the release of stable for the libretro: mame/mame versions
Batocera version MAME standalone version libretro: MAME version LR-FBNeo version
Batocera v37 MAME 0.253 LR-MAME 0.251 ()
Welches Betriebssystem; Which OS?
BootCD: fraggals boot cd, omnicade, avdcd,knoppix
Jamma-Automaten (neu) mit Multiple-Jamma-Karten (60) & ganze Automaten (auch Desktop und Table) gibts hier: http://www.edomm.net/
Display mode (switch 1: VGA on: 800×600; OFF: 1024×768) and flip screen (switch 2. ON: flip 180 degrees) are adjusted by the SW1 on the game board.
Kamefu - KDE All Machines Emulator Frontend for Unix
KnoppiXMAME (alt)
KnippixMAME 1.3 Last Update 2010-12-11
Project HomePage: http://knoppixmame.sourceforge.net/
Gibts einiges. Kenn nix ??
dEfCADE - http://def.buste.de/bootcd.html
SpyStyle DOS boot CD Link aus Forum
Linux-Distri. Eigene CD/DVD/USB-Sticks etc. bauen. Das beste, das ich bislang gesehen habe.
Controller USB Keyboard / Joystick: http://groovygamegear.com/webstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=76_81&products_id=362&zenid=c00c04ebfea4641b5573d26854f36036