bezel = Die innere Schablone des Bildschirms, Artwork
Teil von AdvanceMame, bzw. AdvanceMame ist Hauptdarsteller des Mini-Linux auf dem mit AdvanceCD erstellten Systemdatenträgers.
Unterstützte Videokarten: supported_cards
AdvanceCD is a bootable live CD, DVD and USB disk of a minimal Linux distribution containing the AdvanceMAME emulator.
You can boot it in any PC and play the contained games without any installation. The default distribution contains the arcade games Gridlee, Poly Play and Robby Roto and it uses only 20 Mbyte leaving the whole disk for your roms.
The official site of AdvanceCD is :
Simply put the CD/DVD in the drive or connect the USB disk, and reboot your PC.
After the detection of your hardware the AdvanceMENU interface automatically starts.
When the menu is started, browse the available games and start them pressing ENTER.
To shutdown select „PowerOff“ in the menu, or simply power-off the PC.
In the game play you can use the following keys:
F1 Show the keys used in the game. ESC Exit and return at the menu. F3 Reset the game. P Pause. PAD * Turbo mode until pressed.
For player 1 generally the keys are:
5 Insert coin. 1 Play. ARROWS Move. LCTRL, LSHIFT First button. LALT, LWIN, \ Second button. SPACE, z Third button. x Fourth button. c Fifth button. v Sixth button.
3.7 app.img 1)
app.img is a compressed iso9660 filesystem image using the zisofs extension. This filesystem is mounted by the /etc/rc.d/rc.S startup script present in the initrd filesystem. It contains all the emulator software and all the Linux Kernel modules.
Please note that the zisofs extension is supported only in Linux. You cannot read this filesystem in Windows without using special tools.
In /boot/app.img sind alle Konfigurationen. Die muss man ändern und eine neue app.img erstellen, wenn was nicht passt. Erst mal mounten:
sudo mount -o loop /media/AdvanceCD/boot/app.img /mnt/usb/
Eine normale Daten-CD enthält i.d.R. ein ISO9660-Filesystem. Der Linux-Kernel kennt aber auch eine mittels Rockridge realisierte, transparente Erweiterungs namens zisofs, mit der man komprimierte CDs lesen kann (Kompression ca. 1:2 bei Programmen, bei Dokus etwas mehr).
In aktuellen mkisofs-Paketen sind die Tools oft schon enthalten.
#gemountete app.img in home mounten: mkdir ~/src cp -r /mnt/usb/* ~/src/ #Jetzt AENDERUNGEN VORNEHMEN! # daten sind in src mkzftree src dst # jetzt sind in dst die komprimierten Daten mkisofs -file-mode 555 -z -R -o app.img dst # testz.iso ist das komprimierte
Jetzt die neue app.img in /boot/ kopieren. fertig. Am besten vorher noch das Original sichern (umbenennen)
5.7 Other Configuration Options
5.7.1 idle_start Automatically starts a random game after some time of inactivity. You can also configure the AdvanceMAME option `input_idleexit' in the file `advmame.rc' to create a continuous demo mode.
START_TIMEOUT Number of seconds to wait for the first run. 0 means never (default never). REPEAT_TIMEOUT Number of seconds to wait for the next run. 0 means never (default never).
idle_start 400 60
5.7.2 idle_screensaver
Selects the start time of the default screen saver. The screensaver is a slide show of the available snapshots.
START_TIMEOUT Number of seconds to wait for the first run. 0 means never (default 60). REPEAT_TIMEOUT Number of seconds to wait for the next run. 0 means never (default 10).
idle_screensaver 40 5
Bildschirmeinstellungen / Screen settings:
Manual Operation Mode
In the manual operation mode the programs scan a list of `good' video modelines created manually and chose the best available. You must prevently create this list of video modelines with the `advv' utility.
This is the description of the few basic steps required to run the programs in the manual operation mode.
diplay_mode auto
display_adjust x
Generic PC SVGA multisync monitor :
device_video_pclock 10 - 90 device_video_hclock 30.5 - 60 device_video_vclock 55 - 130
Generic PC VGA monitor :
device_video_pclock 10 - 50 device_video_hclock 31.5 device_video_vclock 55 - 130
Generic LCD screen :
device_video_pclock 0 - 0 device_video_hclock 0 device_video_vclock 0
PAL/SECAM TV (European) :
device_video_pclock 5 - 50 device_video_hclock 15.62 device_video_vclock 50
PAL/SECAM TV (European) which supports also NTSC modes (very common if you use the SCART input) :
device_video_pclock 5 - 50
device_video_hclock 15.62, 15.73 device_video_vclock 49 - 61
device_video_pclock 5 - 50 device_video_hclock 15.73 device_video_vclock 60
Generic Arcade Monitor Standard Resolution 15 kHz (CGA) :
device_video_pclock 5 - 50
device_video_hclock 15.75
device_video_vclock 49 - 61
Generic Arcade Monitor Medium Resolution 25 kHz (EGA) :
device_video_pclock 5 - 50
device_video_hclock 25
device_video_vclock 49 - 61
Generic Atari Monitor Extended Resolution 16 kHz
device_video_pclock 5 - 50 device_video_hclock 16.5 device_video_vclock 53
Please note that the manuals of some Arcade Monitors incorrectly state a wide range of horizontal frequency like 15 - 31 kHz. Generally these monitors support only the three fixed frequency 15.75, 25, 31.1 kHz. For example the Wells Gardner D9200.