inuing with the analogy, the more departments you make the kernel manage, the slower Linux becomes. Larg... sary functions or updating built-in parameters to make it perform better. Sometimes new features within ... s only an overview of the steps to take. It won't make you an expert, but it will expose you to the gene... gs/ directory to /usr/src/linux/.config using the make oldconfig command.
[root@bigboy linux]# c
the $1 pattern. However it becomes much harder to make this command reasonably safe and robust. Inevitab... fferent approach. Rather than trying to use cp to make a backup of each file under a slightly changed name I might just make a directory (usually using the date and my login ... y "echo" to awk gives it dummy input,
#+ and thus makes it unnecessary to supply a filename.
exit 0
into the directory where the files are saved
* make clean
* make
* sudo make load
* sudo rmmod ch341 to uninstall the broken driver
* lsmod | grep ch34 to list wh... the serial port with the following two commands. Make sure to adjust the $username with respect to the
t new customized entries right after this list to make the file easier to read.
==== Restricting Web A... hould be /etc/squid/squid_passwd, and you need to make sure that it's universally readable.
[roo... Squid server, which triggers the Squid server to make its own connection to the Web to service the requ... 3128 using destination NAT. The second statement makes this redirected traffic also undergo source NAT
l">man</a> -t man | ps2pdf - > man.pdf</td><td>make a pdf of a manual page</td></tr>
<tr><td> ... ><td>•</td><td class="nw">renice 19 -p $$</td><td>Make shell (script) low priority. Use for non interact... "nw">tar -c dir/ | bzip2 > dir.tar.bz2</td><td>Make compressed archive of dir/</td></tr>
<tr><td>&n... | ssh user@remote 'dd of=dir.tar.gz.gpg'</td><td>Make encrypted archive of dir/ on remote machine</td><
Driver "fglrx"
Then to make sure Xorg is set up correctly, you'll have to let... n
== Method 2: Manual Install Method ==
Make sure ''universe'' and ''multiverse'' are enabled ... apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++5 dkms linux-headers-$... /wiki/Command_line_completion tab completion] can make this command easier.''
Starting Catalyst version
ports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This... are recognized, too. Please note that these only make sense in a homogeneous user group like a corporat... Level 5 ==
By using four or more dashes, you can make a horizontal line:
===== Media Files =====... l 3 |
To connect cells horizontally, just make the next cell completely empty as shown above. Be
cd madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007
make clean
sudo make install
sudo reboot
EDIT: Wenn ihr an eurem Kernel was ändert kann es sein, dass de... nr-r3366+ar5007.tar.gz
cd madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007
make clean
sudo make install
echo "** Installing
cale, crop or add black borders to the picture to make it compliant.
==== Format Constraints =... d black borders or crop the movie down to 16:9 to make a DVD or VCD. If you add black borders, try to al... ts that you may be required to change in order to make a complaint movie for VCD, SVCD, or DVD:
* aco... refer keyframe intervals of 12. It is possible to make this much larger and still retain compatibility w
well as static passkey WPA or WPA-PSK
//Note:// Make sure you can get your card into monitor mode (som...
//Note:// kimset can interfere with airodump so make sure you close it down before starting airodump.
... e are lots of problems that can come up that will make the above fail, or work very slowly.
=== No traff... s different. A WPA key can be made good enough to make cracking it unfeasible. WPA is also a little more
need to slash and backslash on your capslock.
3) make two entries for the xmodmap in [[http://wiki.ubun... ably errors in the text above. Please correct and make it working for other systems than RedHat Linux.
... l key. You won't have a caps lock key anymore, so make sure caps lock is off when you do this. ;) -- Kev... ional shortcut key ====
It is also possible to make the Caps_Lock a handy additional shourcut modifie
sh session.
- type 'ssh-keygen -t rsa'
- make sure it defaults to: '/<user's home dir>/.ssh/id_... in the .ssh directory (id_rsa &
- make a copy of your public key with the name 'authoriz... onitor the connection and reconnect when needed. (make sure you replace the ssh with autossh)
- 'auto... his out all the time sucks, so write a script and make it executable.
== 7 ==
This of course is very
nvicend that NFSv4 handles locking well enough to make it work for what I want but it looks like the set... ectories under these of course). I have chosen to make the / directory read only. The idea behind this i... /data data
mount --bind /home home </code>
To make these bindings permanent they need to be added to... found that I needed to restart the nfs server to make these exports visible to the world but I suspect
cd cwiid-0.6.00/
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib/</code>
Start wmgui by typing 'wmgui'. Connect ...
become root and do: ./configure makemake install
With all dependencies fulfilled, you can execute the program by typing wmgui.
m driver detected by need to do something more to make its working better … now lets start by checking t... nd install the driver:
<code>cd gspcav1-20071224
make clean
sudo make install</code>
3) This is the extra step that I had to do:
<code>sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.