alue to a variable normally read from the command-line arguments, when no such arguments are given. This... ou've got questions or comments, please drop me a line.
Pattern Matching
There are two kinds of pattern ... alue to a variable normally read from the command-line arguments, when no such arguments are given. This... ou've got questions or comments, please drop me a line.
KSH Pattern-matching Operators
Korn shell's pat
function _quotedPrintableEncode($input, $line_max = 76) { // I use this instead of the original... '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
$lines = preg_split("/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/", $input);
$linebreak = "=0D=0A=\r\n";
/* the linebreak also counts as characters in the mime_qp_long_line
* rule
$ sudo depmod -a
The second line may not be necessary as you may already have rest... ules installed. Run it just in case. If the third line fails, you probably don't have the restricted rep... '''/etc/X11/xorg.conf''' to include the following lines without '''[...]'''
S... ricted-modules-common
Add "fglrx" to the line "DISABLED_MODULES"
play the machine. It gives the player maximum pay lines. There is little point in betting only 1 token s... Oshi to win bonus, those symbols will most likely line up.
Center Push Stopping the center reel first. ... . The player gets to play it when certain symbols line up on the pay line.
Slide When a reel is about to stop at a certain symbol, the reel "slides" to stop
> as well.
**Paragraphs** are created from blank lines. If you want to **force a newline** without a pa... ackslashes followed by a whitespace or the end of line.
This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the
two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\
or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens wi
if you plan to spend a lot of time at the command line. These shortcuts will save you a ton of time if y... em.
Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + L Clears the ... similar to the clear command
Ctrl + U Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end
rticular options that control everything.
Blank lines are ignored, comments can be made using #, and long lines can be wrapped with a backslash (\). Each exported filesystem should be on its own line.
Lists of authorized hosts placed after an exp... cters in the file unless they are used in comment lines.
For example, the following two lines do not me
So, if you comment out the line in /etc/acpi/ that suspends on lid close and add a new line that runs this script, your eeepc will shutdown w... hash mark before "/etc/acpi/" (this line is now ignored but is still there in case you want to reverse this hack)
Add a new line "/sbin/" as below
Converts HTML to PDF (here: for command-line linux (MS-Windows not covered, but similar))
Do... ? (Don't worry, it's answered for you on the next line. But try first.)
To accomplish this type:
... named 12pdf.pdf. Again, the answer is on the next line.
Your line command should look like this:
<code> htmldoc --webpage -f 12pdf.pdf one.html two.html E
map -pke > ~/.xmodmap.myown</code>
2) Search the line with capslock in it, it’s keycode 66 in my case. Replace it with something you wouls like, my line looks like this
<code>keycode 66 = slash backsla... ==
Under Redhat 8.0, just enable the following line in /etc/X11/XF86Config
<code> Option ... sLock key to a ControlKey? by using the following lines in xmodmap:
clear Lock
keycode 0x7e =
steils) ((
You will need the C++ Compiler... ing set of face-detection programmes. The command line interface isn’t too friendly, so they take a litt... t common denominator for image processing command line apps. I use the program ‘jpegtopnm’ from package ... andy.pos’ contains the results of face detection. Line one is the number of detections, then each line h
code>gksudo gedit /etc/modules</code>
Insert this line at the end of the file
So the... les that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with “#” are ignored.
You have to restart your computer fo... gedit /etc/cwiid/wminput/ir_ptr</code>
Find these lines
<code> Plugin.ir_ptr.X = ~ABS_X