

jstest /dev/input/js0

(Paket joystick)


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  1. X Send X events. May be compiled out of your copy of joy2key.
  1. rawconsole

For SVGALIB and similar programs that put the keyboard in raw mode. Sends scancodes. May be compiled out

           of your copy of joy2key.
  1. terminal

Send ascii characters. May be compiled out of your copy of joy2key.

  1. axis Specifies actions to send when passing low/high values for each axis. Specified in pairs, from axis0 …

axisN, that is, the X axis is axis0, then the Y axis (axis1), then if you have a joystick hat that may be

           axis 2 and 3, etc.  To figure out which axis is which, use the jstest program that comes with the joystick
  1. buttons

Similar to -arrows, but for buttons. Goes from button0 … buttonN, specifying key to send for each but-

           ton on joystick.  Use the jstest program to determine the numbering for each button.
  1. thresh

Specifies low/high thresholds to use (i.e. at what point moving the stick or pressing the gamepad triggers

           an event) in pairs, for each joystick axis.
  1. dev Specifies joystick device to use. Defaults /dev/input/js0 (first joystick)
  1. autorepeat

Turns on and optionally specifies autorepeat frequency, i.e. the number of times per second a button

           which is held down will be repeated.
  1. deadzone

Controls sensitivity when manually calibrating.

  1. rcfile

Sets the rc file to look in.

  1. config

Reads in a config in an rc file.

Joy2key configurations

START xkobo
-buttons Shift_L s
-axis Left Right Up Down

START ines
-buttons z a Tab Return
-axis Left Right Up Down

START quake2
# set the following keybindings in quake2:
# bind kp_up +forward
# bind kp_down +back
# bind kp_leftarrow +left
# bind kp_rightarrow +right
# bind ctrl +attack
# bind shift +movedown
# bind alt +strafe
# bind space +moveup
# bind / weapnext
# bind ins +klook
# * The same notes for playing sdoom (below) apply to console 
# quake as well.
-axis 75 77 72 80
-buttons 97 42 56 57 53 110

START doom
# Since sdoom is a console application, you either
# A] must run joy2key on the same virtual console as sdoom
#    (try joy2key -config doom &)
#    (don't forget to kill joy2key when you are done, or 
#     moving the joystick will continue to send keys to
#     the console)
#                           or
# B] run joy2key as root (so it can send keypresses to virtual
#    consoles it doesn't own)
#    (again, remeber to kill it when you are done)
# send keyup codes
# Control (fire) : LShift (run) : Alt (strafe) : Space (open/push)
-buttons 97 42 56 57 
# Left Arrow : Right Arrow : Up Arrow : Down Arrow
-axis 75 77 72 80

-X X11Amp
-axis z b c c 
-buttons z b c c

START snes9x
-axis Left Right Up Down
-buttons s x d c a z Return space
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