message"} If $foo exists and is not null, return its value. If it doesn't exist or is null, print the ... -word}
If varname exists and isn't null, return its value; otherwise return word.
Return... =word}
If varname exists and isn't null, return its value; otherwise set it to word and then return its value.[7]
Setting a variable to a def
Like a government that rules a nation and all its provinces, the Linux kernel is the central progra... ented from loading at boot time by commenting out its entry in the /etc/modprobe.conf file, or by using... support. The kernel always looks for modules for its version number in the /lib/modules/<kernel versio... ux Boot Process", the GRUB boot loader resides on its own dedicated partition and uses the /boot/grub/g
ation Vector or IV, is prepended onto packets and its based on a pre-shared key that all the authentica... he network key you need to authenticate.
Well if its on (almost) every packet generated by the client ... rodump.
Airodump is pretty straight forward with its command line looking something like this:
<code>... s easier to type but I like using a BSSID because its more unique.
* -n 64 or -n 128 : WEP key leng
Look for the key name in parenthesis and its value when depressed after the “code” number. In ... this example, the key name would be KEY_SYSRQ and its value would be 0.
cat what you want.
Despite the Analogue description its a very Digital device.
{{::joystick-usb-analog.j... i
# Symlink erstellen, wenn er nicht bereits existiert
if [ ! -L "$dir/roms" ]; then
nbinden und der Empfänger kann sie
seinerseits mit pdftk (oder mit dem Adobe Reader ab Version 6... grundbild verwenden
möchten, sollte es bereits in der Papiergröße Ihres PDF-Dokuments... </span>. Eine PDF-Datei zum Stempeln
sollte bereits in der Papiergröße Ihres PDF-Dokuments... eiten Beispiel werden die Einzelseiten in das bereits
existierende Verzeichnis <span class="output">s
kslash (\). Each exported filesystem should be on its own line.
Lists of authorized hosts placed aft... eparating the host and the first parenthesis.
In its simplest form, /etc/exports only needs to know th... e defaults, you must specify an option that takes its place. For example, if you do not specify rw, the... ut not and higher.
netgroups - Permits an NIS netgroup name, written as @<group-name>, t
st operators. It's by no means comprehensive, but its likely to be all you'll need to remember (if you ... regular file.
-g file
True if file exists and its set-group-id bit is set.
-h file
True if file ... symbolic link.
-k file
True if file exists and its "sticky" bit is set.
-p file
True if file exis... to a terminal.
-u file
True if file exists and its set-user-id bit is set.
-w file
True if file e
print usage for the present working directory and its subdirectories, along with the size of each direc... Once the scan is complete, the KDirStat screen splits into a two-paned display, with the top showing the contents of the directory and its usage both graphically and in percentage. The loo
al", or "A4" for standard sizes or "WIDTHxHEIGHTunits" for custom sizes, e.g. "8.5x11in"; breaks to a n... h --></code>
Break if there is less than length units left on the current page. The length value defaul... in, mm, or cm to convert from the corresponding units.
<code><!-- NEW PAGE --></code>
Break to the ne
en gut 40000 Parkvorgänge vollzogen und damit bereits 7% seiner Lebensdauer verbraucht hat. Letzteres s... eisystemcaches auf die Platten wegschreiben.
Bereits nach 13 Stunden in Betrieb war der Zähler der Par... änge - Load Cycle Count - meiner neuen Platte bereits bei über 400. Meine anderen Platten haben nach me
as handled by the PSU. It was an ‘odd’ design at its time but it had a profound impact on the industry... m Schaltplan 'Fotoabtastung') sind die einzelnen Bits dieser Zahlen 1-20. Abtastung 0 ist das rechte Bi... = gpio_ext2.readPort(MCP23017Port::B); // Last 5 Bits: Fotoabtastung 4,3,2,1,0
licht = licht & B1
with an extremely low vbv buffer size of 327 kilobits. SVCD allows varying video bitrates up to 2500 kb... what less restrictive vbv buffer size of 917 kilobits is allowed. DVD video bitrates may range anywhere... half that), and the vbv buffer size is 1835 kilobits.
===== 11.8.2. Output Options =====
MEncoder ha