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34 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ed value of $param. When a negative `offset' begins with a minus sign, however, unexpected things can... one in our first programming task. If we used #*/ instead of ##*/, the expression would have the incorr... ct value dave/pete/fred/bob, because the shortest instance of "anything followed by a slash" at the beg... nce dirname takes exactly one argument (and complains if given more) and basename takes one argument an
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
# ASCII 52 != ASCII 53 fi # In this particular instance, both "-ne" and "!=" work. echo exit 0</co = chi`s home Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0
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