the variable as a character string. For example, if filename has the value fred.c, then ${#filename} ... lready has a well-defined meaning: expand to word if the expanded value of param is unset or null, and... >
Extracts substring from $string at $position.
If the $string parameter is "*" or "@", then this ex... # Three characters of substring.
If the $string parameter is "*" or "@", then this ex
====== IF-Operator ======
<code bash>
if [ -n "$X" ]; then # -n tests to see if the argument is non empty
echo "the variable X is n... but its likely to be all you'll need to remember (if you need anything else, you can always check the
comparison ====
is equal to
<code> if [ "$a" -eq "$b" ]</code>
is not equal to
<code> if [ "$a" -ne "$b" ]</code>
is greater than
<code> if [ "$a" -gt "$b" ]</code>
is greater than or equal to
<code>if [ "$a" -ge "$b" ]</code>
is less than
ll then install and configure the driver for you. If this does not provide the optimal solution you we... estricted modules installed. Run it just in case. If the third line fails, you probably don't have the... etc/X11/xorg.conf
In the device section, if it is not already there add:
/etc/X11/xor... ype
$ fglrxinfo
into a terminal. If the vendor string is not ATI, but Mesa, check [[#
/.ecryptfs/wrapped-independent - this file exists if the wrapping passphrase is independent from login... login passphrase to reveal the mount passphrase
If your login passphrase matches the passphrase used... creen. Record and protect this data accordingly.
If you have lost your wrapped-passphrase file, and y... to do this. The guide will make a lot more sense if you do this. Nautilus is the default file manager
og files and such. This
# is particulary useful if you have multiple UPSes. This does not
# set th... # Server. This is used if you don't have
# a UPS... ccontrol only after the
# ONBATTERYDELAY time. If you don't want to be annoyed by short
# powerfa... curs will cause the initation of a shutdown.
# If during a power failure, the remaining battery per
ls working and i'm not even touching on that, but if you can get everything to work, you'll be crackin... s the network key you need to authenticate.
Well if its on (almost) every packet generated by the client or AP, then if we collect enough of them, like a few hundred tho... ple of things will cause us some problems.
* If the key is not static, then you'll mix up all you
ter text; the test is applied to the current page if empty, or the next page otherwise.
<code><!-- F... ter text; the test is applied to the current page if empty, or the next page otherwise.
<code><!-- F... ter text; the test is applied to the current page if empty, or the next page otherwise.
<code><!-- H... der text; the test is applied to the current page if empty, or the next page otherwise.
<code><!-- H
and quickly is called /sbin/
So, if you comment out the line in /etc/acpi/ t... c/acpi/button/lid/LID/state | awk '{print $2 }'`
if [ $LID_STATE = "closed" ] ; then
/etc/acp... c/acpi/button/lid/LID/state | awk '{print $2 }'`
if [ $LID_STATE = "closed" ] ; then
# /etc/a...
See also [[eeePC:fastshutdown]]
==== Shutdown if on battery ====
Because suspend is still a desir
MD_DESIGN.txt in wmd-0.1.2.tar.gz.
Then check if the uinpit kernel module is loaded. Just use lsmo... with the modprobe command.
Here is how to check if the module is loaded, then load the modules and c...
The console windows will show some logging and if the Wii Remote has the sensor bar (or any other i... showthread.php?t=535659))
It's worth noting that if the Wii is turned off, so is the sensor bar, so y
iSD slot, NOT a MicroSD one! Get a MiniSD adapter if you want to use a MicroSD.
* You can use a scre... pplication is up to every single application.
* If you notice some stuck pixel(s) on your Dingoo, yo... flashing procedure. Or check the Wiki.
Note that if you flash a foreign firmware, you'll want to put ... n some edition(s) of Windows 7 and Windows Vista. If the device isn't recognised, try the Windows-XP b
In this example, it will be checked if this ID exists and if so, the record in the database will be updated with the new record.
==== Arti... ( „folder“ );
// first display new orders
if ( !$sFolder && is_array( $aFolders )) {
$aNam... );
//searchong for empty oxfolder fields
if ( $sFolder && $sFolder != ‚-1‘ ) {
$sQ .= “ a