Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
Volltextergebnisse: mplayer 2 Treffer , Zuletzt geändert: vor 9 Monaten try to play it!
If the video file you play still has no video output in the Media Player application, ... involves 'downgrading' MPlayer to a version that has that codec (and a lot of other missing codecs) in apm 1 Treffer , Zuletzt geändert: vor 9 Monaten /etc/acpi/
exit 0
Add a has h mark before "/etc/acpi/" (this lin compiz_on_xandros 1 Treffer , Zuletzt geändert: vor 9 Monaten basically is saying that the gtk-window-decorator has caused a problem with the X server because it cou fastshutdown 1 Treffer , Zuletzt geändert: vor 9 Monaten / Restart / Shut Down options but don't want the has sle of the "Sure you want to proceed" dialog, add ubuntu_8.04 1 Treffer , Zuletzt geändert: vor 9 Monaten grep hpet
[ 13.339824] Time: hpet clocksource has been installed.
Damit der Kernel sofort d