nstall wminput wmgui lswm</code>
Next, we need to find the bluetooth device address of your Wii remote, ... ode>gksudo gedit /etc/cwiid/wminput/ir_ptr</code>
Find these lines
<code> Plugin.ir_ptr.X = ~ABS_X
Plug... de>gksudo gedit /etc/cwiid/wminput/buttons</code>
Find these lines
<code> Wiimote.A = BTN_LEFT
sn't work, I'd love to hear it! Also, I'd like to find a way to disassociate my controllers from my cons... ed from here: http://forthewiin.org/ . Bush can't find his WMD's, I hope you can.
Now the juicy part: O
wiimote to generate that key symbol, using xev to find out if the key symbol is already mapped, and find the key code if it is not.
- If the code is not map