Save. Nothing happens. This is because of the caches of the javascript.
To clean cache, call: https://... our own button to the toolbar
userscript.js examples
Adding your own button to the to... ray called toolbar which is created from the defines in the inc/toolbar.php.
To add your own button,... yntax, just place a button image into the lib/images/toolbar folder and add the following code to conf
====== URLs umschreiben ======
Die URLs des Wiki werden umgeschrieben, damit sie wie statische Seite... e Konfigurieren =====
Das Modul “mod_rewrite” des Apache wurde aktiviert:
server:~# a2enmod... as /dokuwiki /usr/share/dokuwiki
##disable indexes and enabled symlinks (without symlinks enabled yo... orbidden errors when url rewriting)
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
<Directory /usr/share/dokuwiki/