====== UnionFS entfernen ======
Dieses How-To beschreibt wie man das UnionFs von seinem Eee-PC entfernt. Standardmäßig hat der Eee-PC 4 Part... en will, muss man um Speicherplatz zu sparen an diese erste Partition ran, ansonsten hat man die Sache
in default Xandros ======
Warning** i take no responsibility for you screwing up your computer: pro... y want all the glory of compiz-fusion i would suggest simply moving on to the eeeXubuntu OS, more supp... 's how to get what you want:
Install advanced desktop via the wiki info
Used information from\\ ... .php?id=6245
===== Pre-install =====
A few changes have to be made to the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.