====== Using MEncoder to create VCD/SVCD/DVD-compliant files ======
Quelle((http://www.mplayerhq.hu/... )
===== 11.8.1. Format Constraints =====
MEncoder is capable of creating VCD, SCVD and DVD format M... files can then be used in conjunction with vcdimager or dvdauthor to create discs that will play on a standard set-top player.
The DVD, SVCD, and VCD formats are subject to h
egs to Movie ======
-mf & mf:// is a special filter (necessary dor jpegs)
'mf://*.JPG' takes all JPG... (big cases!) frim the current directoy
6 Frames per Second
Downsize high-res-images to DVD (720:576)
mencoder -ovc lavc -mf fps=6:type=jpg 'mf://*.JPG' -ofps 6... ,expand=720:576 -lavcopts aspect=16/9 -noskip -o lego1.mp4
[[mencoder:VCD/SVCD/DVD|DVD size]]