:wiimote-ubuntu|Ubuntu mit Wiimote]]
Maus, Lightpen, etc.
[[wii:wiimote-ubuntu-mouse-lightpen|Ubuntu mit Wiimote als Maus, Keyboard, Lightpen etc.]]
[[http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Hardw... ii:wii-remote_on_linux:wminput|wminput konfigurieren]]
candles, an incandescent light, etc.
An IR LED pen is required if you wish to setup a whiteboard wit... Wii remote.
===== Preparing your System =====
Open up a terminal (Applications –> Accessories –> Ter... see something that looks like 00:2A:34:95:FE:B0 then keep on running lswm / pressing buttons 1 + 2 on ... luetooth address (Keep in mind that the number given here is an example).
Check to see if all the cap
see the message “No Bluetooth interface found” then you need to get a Bluetooth adapter, which is a d... y pressing the 1+2 buttons at the same time and then within 15-20 seconds, run “lswm” again and you’ll