
Hier werden die Unterschiede zwischen zwei Versionen angezeigt.

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Nächste Überarbeitung
Vorhergehende Überarbeitung
eeexubuntu [2008/04/24 11:28] – angelegt geraldeeexubuntu [2024/02/29 13:36] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 Ubuntu-Distribution, speziell für eee, basierend auf Xubuntu Ubuntu-Distribution, speziell für eee, basierend auf Xubuntu
 +===== Problem: ===== 
 +nach kernel-update läuft die Kiste nicht mehr. Kernel locken: 
 +Locking the version on a package prevents it from being upgraded. I'll show you two ways to do this. The first is to open a terminal and type:  
 +sudo aptitude hold linux-image-`uname -r`  
 +Those ` are backticks, usually located to the left of the 1/! key. For those who prefer to use GUIs, open Synaptic and scroll down to where the packages named linux-image- and then some numbers are. Find the one you are using (probably the highest number), and click Package > Lock Version. 
 +Both of these will prevent the kernel from upgrading at all. So, when Gutsy's released, what do you do? OK, now you need to release those holds.  
 +Synaptic, that's no problem. Just uncheck it, do the upgrade, then make sure you lock version on the new one. For the command line one do <code>sudo aptitude unhold linux-image-`uname -r` 
 +</code>. Redo all your tweaks of course, and you're good to go.
Nach oben
eeexubuntu.1209036535.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/29 13:35 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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