Rather than trying to use cp to make a backup of each file under a slightly changed name I might just m... cessible to you.
Here's a command that will echo each directory named on your path on it's own line:
p... part of a path. Here's a command pair that echos each directory from the root down to the "current work... Bourne, and Korn shells as well as bash) to parse each line of /etc/passwd and extract just two fields:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# loop over each device name culled from df with grep, excluding t...
The output from above command show the size of each file, directory and with the total size used in y... command execute with -c option to get the size of each file that have filename ending with .txt and then... ow the use of du command to get the disk usage of each user home directory on the system.
actions to send when passing low/high values for each axis. Specified in pairs, from axis0 ...
... m button0 ... buttonN, specifying key to send for each but-
ton on joystick. Use the jstest program to determine the numbering for each button.
Specifies lo... pad triggers
an event) in pairs, for each joystick axis.
-dev Specifies joystick
8192 1 1
Sicherheitshinweise unten beachten!
Für NFSv3:
<code>sudo mount -t nfs 192.168... d long lines can be wrapped with a backslash (\). Each exported filesystem should be on its own line.
... ust be separated by space characters. Options for each of the hosts must be placed in parentheses direct... , then that export will only be shared read-only. Each default for every exported filesystem must be exp
ifies unstructured files with page breaks between each file.
* -f output.pdf is the file name that you... t more than one web page with page breaks between each HTML file, type:
<code> htmldoc --webpage -f o... code>
Sets the number of pages that are placed on each output page. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and
, around the reels, and below the stop buttons.
Reachi Combination A Combination of certain symbols th... ku that does not payout but instead, it leads to Reachi Sequence or Chance Combination is called "0 (zer... th different payouts.
Wait Waiting time between each game. One of the current regulations on the pachi
Linux drivers, the programs that manage each I/O device, are the staff that keeps all the gove... vmlinuz-2.6.5-6-new.
Remember to change this for each new version of the kernel you create.
==== Compi... reate a boot CD instead. Here are the steps.
1. Each installed kernel has a dedicated subdirectory for
# Full backups are made on the 1st day of each month or with the 'full' option.
# Incremental ba... ackups.
# Full backups are made on the 1st day of each month.
# Then incremental backups are made on the
tet wie: schneide nach 2 Nachkommastellen ab.
**Beachten Sie:**
Diese Methode rundet automatisch kaufmä... em in das dezimale Zahlensystem konvertieren.
**Beachten Sie:**
Opera kennt zwar die Methode toString(
ir; do echo $dir; echo cmd2; done</td><td>Process each item with multiple commands (in while loop)</td><... ss</td><td>Show available conversions (aliases on each line)</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td class="n
ls, active record pattern is used. So in general, each model class is linked with a database table. For ... ();
$oBasket = $basket->getContents();
foreach ( $oBasket as $oBasketItem ) {
shellies/shellyswitch25-<deviceid>/input/<i> for each SW input <i>; reports the current state as 0 or 1... ellies/shellyswitch25-<deviceid>/longpush/<i> for each SW input <i>; reports a value indicating longpush
se the Internet with access control lists (ACLs). Each ACL line defines a particular type of activity, s... low traffic that matches the ACL.
Squid matches each Web access request it receives by checking the ht
ecution_time = 90 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
foreach($picture_calculate_type AS $key => $val){
if (i... lements:
foreach($picture_calculate_type AS $key => $val){
if (