====== Howto: Shut down on lid close ======
The suspend mode from closing... e battery quite quickly. The following hack shuts down rather than suspends when you close the lid.
Whe... E it runs /etc/acpi/
The script to shut down the EEE safely and quickly is called /sbin/fastsh... to use it when you are plugged in, and only shut down if you are on battery. (unplugging while in suspe
d/ Hier] gelangt ihr zur Projekt-Seite und unter "Downloads" könnt ihr dann das Paket "eee-osd_2.1-0eeeX... ich noch das Tool [[ "Compiz-S... =
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Mit der neuesten Version wurde das P... ree
This script kills the processes and shuts down the EEE.
===== Alternative Options =====
If you... he script is the best way to shut down. However, some people are happy with editing /etc... n =====
If you want the Standby / Restart / Shut Down options but don't want the hassle of the "Sure yo... the normal options, but a second press will shut down fully.
See also [[
re connected to the Internet. The codecs will be downloaded automatically from a mirror site (the scrip... There is a way to get it back, but it involves 'downgrading' MPlayer to a version that has that codec ... f other missing codecs) installed.
====How do I 'downgrade' MPlayer to get h264?====
(based on notes fr