scape (same as Escape button on Front-door)
F6 - Down (same as Down button on Front-door)
F7 - Up (same as Up button on Front-door)
F8 - Enter (same as Ent...
DropTGT ... rter < debugon | debugoff | info >
DOWN Same as the Down button on the Front-door
t man die Adresse herausgefunden, dann sollte der Download funktionieren. Bei normalen HTTP-Adressen kann man die Datei mit einem [:Download-Manager:] herunterladen. Videos aus einer Str... // -dumpfile ./download/test.wmv
Die Adresse des Streams <co... .wmv-Datei würde nun als test.wmv im Verzeichnis /download innerhalb des Home-Verzeichnisses des aktuell
tzer gar nicht angemeldet ist (wichtig!).
====== Download der gekauften Bilder ======
Wird voll in das File-Download-System integriert. Fängt Fälle ab, wenn die Downloaddate 'download.php' heisst (hardcoded).
===== Geänderte Dateien =====
sually unnecessary. If your system starts to slow down and you can't afford to replace hardware or are u... e>
2. Visit your favorite Fedora operating system download mirror and get the corresponding source RPM p... xample the sources of an updated Core 4 kernel is downloaded from the /core/updates/4/SRPMS/ directory of [[]] using wget.
our VirtualDisk before we start!
First of all, download qemu, you can do it using Synaptic or simply ... ou’ll find it here:
Download it into the same dir where you’ve got your new raw .bin disc image file. A simple way to download this app is from the command line, like so:
tp://]]. seems to be down, you can download [[|wmd-0.1.2.tar.gz]] here.
Assuming p... ll CWiid:
tar -zxvf
eed a USB drive with at least the capacity of the downloaded image.
Note: A byte-exact copy of the ISO i... ertently overwrite your system hard drive.
Download [[ ave Link As...)
# cd <directory with downloaded image-writer file>
# chmod a+x ./imag... way to put the Moblin image on a USB drive.
- Download the Win32DiskImager.exe program: [[https://la
Only get diffs. Do multiple times for troublesome downloads</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td class="nw... title"><td colspan="3"><b>wget</b> (multi purpose download tool)</td></tr>
<tr><td>•</td><td class="nw... ttp://</td><td>Continue downloading a partially downloaded file</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td class="nw">wget -r -nd -np -l1 -A
Short how to:
- dowload driver here: nit.d/kdm stop'
- cd to the directory where you downloaded the driver
- there, do 'sudo sh NVIDIA-Li... t might make a difference:
1. Before running the downloaded installer, you should have installed the li... d build-essential packages.
2. After running the downloaded installer, and BEFORE issuing the startx co
1. Auf der [ Downloadseite] {en} wird das zur jeweils verwendeten Distribution passende Paket ausgewählt un... uecrypt-6.0a-ubuntu-x86.tar.gz'''.
2. Nach dem Download wird die .tar-gz-Datei entpackt [5].
#Dabei ... TrueCrypt-Installation starten.
<code>sudo tc-download # lädt den Quellcode herunter
sudo tc-dpkg -
per second a button
which is held down will be repeated.
... o
-buttons Shift_L s
-axis Left Right Up Down
START ines
-buttons z a Tab Return
-axis Left Right Up Down
START quake2
# set the following keybindings in quake2:
# bind kp_up +forward
# bind kp_down +back
# bind kp_leftarrow +left
# bind kp_rightar
====== Howto: Shut down on lid close ======
The suspend mode from closing... e battery quite quickly. The following hack shuts down rather than suspends when you close the lid.
Whe... E it runs /etc/acpi/
The script to shut down the EEE safely and quickly is called /sbin/fastsh... to use it when you are plugged in, and only shut down if you are on battery. (unplugging while in suspe
d/ Hier] gelangt ihr zur Projekt-Seite und unter "Downloads" könnt ihr dann das Paket "eee-osd_2.1-0eeeX... ich noch das Tool [[ "Compiz-S... =
[[ Download Skype]]
Mit der neuesten Version wurde das P... ree
Android Market Place, but you will not be able to download apps.
But you can find many more Android App... s (excluding those taken with the camcorder).
* Download/ - Miscellaneous downloads.
===== Andoid on VirtualBox =====
Vbox-Settings: Linux >> Other
Download Image
Bootorder: Disabe Floppy, CD, etc (Gru
ge is the actual Linux kernel.
To install Dingux, download the dual_boot_installer zip, and follow the i... rnal memory, try booting the Dingoo while holding DOWN on the dpad. It should flash that firmware. If th... )
Code: [[]]
====== Firmware Upgrade ======
Upgr... disconnect the USB line.
- Shutdown.
- Hold down the down button, and then boot.
- (If you have