{i%l} already exists
mv $i ${i%l}
Another kind of variable mangling y... n into a list of filenames (called "globbing") is done by the shell -- before the command is executed. T... result:
for i in *.txt; do cp $i ${i%.txt}.bak; done
... obviously this is more typing. If you tried ... ion cp-pattern { for i in $1; do cp $i ${i%$1}$2; done
... but that doesn't work like most Unix users w
ntu needed the module to be loaded manually, this done with the modprobe command.
Here is how to check ... u libgtk2.0-dev python2.5-dev</code>
Having done that it is time to donwload, compile and install ... t more about this than I do could tell me if I've done anything wrong, missed anything out, or done anything I didn't need to. I will, of course, update this
or HTML.
The text to image conversion is mainly done for smileys. And the text to HTML conversion is u... 'It's a man's world'..."
The same can be done to produce any kind of HTML, it just needs to be ... splitbrain.org and **formatting**, but nothing is done with it.
The same is true for %%//__thi... splitbrain.org and **formatting**, but nothing is done with it.
The same is true for %%//_
elete all files:
for i in *; do rm "$i"; done
Delete special files:
for i in *.jpg; do rm "$i"; done
delete by first letter:
for i in $( echo {a..z} ); do rm $i*.jpg ; done
ansferring files to an from an ssh account can be done using the scp command. However, it would be neat ... add yourself to the group “fuse”.
Once you have done the above, you can use sshfs to mount the directo... gain.
To unmount the directory once your work is done, use the command:
<code>$fusermount -u</code>
der is add the Medibuntu repository. This can be done via:
sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/s... urces.list.d/medibuntu.list
Once that is done you’ll likely want to add the Medibuntu GPG key a
link existiert bereits in $dir"
cat remove_symlinks.sh
<code>#!/bin/b... ink entfernt: $dir/roms"
echo "Kein Symlink vorhanden in $dir"
ill running. For all intents and purposes you are done. That'll pop open most old wireless routers with ... but you gots to do what you gots to do.
This is done easiest with another machine because we need a ne
ee space." root # send a warning email to root
system=`hostname -... cecsekker" -s "[$system] $line" xxx@xxx.bme.hu
# (don't forget to kill joy2key when you are done, or
# moving the joystick will continue to s... own)
# (again, remeber to kill it when you are done)
# send keyup codes
# Control (fire)
ing. When the flag is raised or flag formation is done, the game has won something. On the other hand, i...
[Shift Flag Carry-Over] When Avoiding Replay is done, its Shift Flag is carried over.
Single Bonus O