elow for a complete file format support list). It does not act as an UPnP Media Adaptor and thus, can'... YOu need libupnp.so.3 (not the acutal so.4). So i downloaded V.1.4.6, bus 1.6.2 should also be version... d libupnp-1.6.2/
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install</code>
uShare 1.1a: [[http://ushare...
cd ushare-1.1a/
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo checkinstall
ln -s /usr/bin/ushare /bin/ushar</co
etschnüfflern tcpdump und Wireshark lassen sich jedoch auch simple Skripte für Linux oder andere Unixe... CH-Anfrage für [[http://upnp.org/standardizeddcps/documents/BasicDevice-1.0.pdf|UPnP-Rootdevices]] ent