se percent signs follow numbers.
The expression ${DIRSTACK :-$PWD} evaluates to $DIRSTACK if it is non-null or $PWD (the current directory) if it is null.
Table 4.1: Substitution Operator... ss rather than within the shell. Another utility, dirname(1), does essentially the opposite of basename
Use for non interactive tasks</td></tr>
<tr id="dirs" class="pbtitle"><td colspan="3"><b>dir navigation</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>•</td><td class="nw">cd -</td><td>Go to previous directory</td></tr>
<tr><td>•</td><td class="nw">cd</td><td>Go to $HOME directory</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td class="n
an use the du command to determine which files or directories need to be deleted -- or at least trimmed... imple du will print usage for the present working directory and its subdirectories, along with the size of each directory.
If you want the size of an particular directory, spec
ffsdateien im Verzeichnis werden ausgewertet. Nur Direktiven für die User/Gruppenauthentifizierung sind... ffsdateien im Verzeichnis werden ausgewertet. Nur Direktiven für die Domain/Rechner-Zugriffssteuerung s... ffsdateien im Verzeichnis werden ausgewertet. Nur Direktiven für Optionen sind erlaubt.
Die letztgen... Config Limit
In der 'httpd.conf' hatte ich die Directory-Rules auch schon, auch ohne Erfolg.
Wo lie
~/.Private - underlying directory containing encrypted data
~/Private - mount... Private.mnt - file containing path of the private directory mountpoint
~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase -...
===== Live CD method of opening a encrypted home directory =====
be located in the /core/<version>/i386/os/SRPMS/ directory. If the kernel has been updated using yum o... be located in the /core/updates/<version>/SRPMS/ directory. In this example the sources of an updated ... nel is downloaded from the /core/updates/4/SRPMS/ directory of [[]] us... /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES and /usr/src/redhat/SPECS directories using the rpm command.
[root@bigboy tmp]
mit dem gleichen CY-822A: Brücken, damit das Ding direkt in den Analogmodus bootet:
[[https://beko.fam... roms"
# Pfad zu den Tabellenverzeichnissen
# Liste der Verzeichnisse, die ausgespart werden sollen
exclude_dirs=("pinmame" "videos" "ini" "images" "manuals")
# Schleife über alle Unterverzeichnisse im table_dirs-Pfad
for dir in "$table_dirs"*/; do
# Überpr
In der 'httpd.conf' hatte ich die Directory-Rules auch schon, auch ohne Erfolg.
Wo lie... ons and to support
# installing 3rd party modules directly via apxs2, rather than
# through the /etc/ap... daraus erstellt)
DocumentRoot /var/www/
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride FileInfo
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes Foll
# directories to backup (use . for /)
BDIRS="etc home srv ."
TDIR=`hostname -s`
# Setting the pass phrase to encrypt the backup files. Will
u (disk usage) ======
[[disk usage|Disk Usage of Directories]]
Größe von Verzeichnissen und Inhalten ... ml))
===== Get and display the file size and the directory size using du command =====
The du com... used by your file and the disk space being use by directory in the Linux system The du command can be use to find the size of file and the size of directory in Linux system. The example below show the
collect EXIF metadata
#07/06/18 create metadata directory, create text file output for each file, append basename, place output in metadata directory
#07/06/18 create script.log to verify processing of files and place in metadata directory
#07/06/18 Author: Sandy Lynn Ortiz - Stanf... #08/21/18 TO RUN: Place the script in the working directory. The script will search sub-dir's. Open a
they are:
* Locking and mounting is now handled directly by the NFS protocol rather than by seperate ... the Pseudo File System ======
First off create a directory under / called nfs4exports as root:
<code>mkdir -m 1777 /nfs4exports</code>
This will be the roo... achines that can see the NFS exports. We give the directory full permissions so that clients can access /mnt/sshfs_dir
====== sshfs ======
Quelle((http://ubunt... , which are required.
Now, let us create a local directory where you want the files mounted. You should create the directory and make yourself the owner of the directory:
<code>$sudo mkdir /media/dir-name
$sudo chown you
f dem Desktop sind alle Folder & Files meines Homedirecories drauf. Mit dem Unity-Optimierungswerkzeug ... mehr gehen.
nano ~/.config/user-dirs.dir
# This file is written by xdg-user-dirs-update
# If you want to change or add directories, just edit