Searching ...
Connecting to device 00:07:61:64:A2:98</code>
Or use the bluetoot... lines to xorg.conf. Somewhere near the other InputDevice sections add:
<code>Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Wiimote"
Driver ...
In the ServerLayout section add:
<code>InputDevice "Wiimote" "AlwaysCore"</code>
may be given.
* bdaddr: specifies the bluetooth device address of the wiimote. If unspecified, the envi... (most? all?) udev configurations set up a uinput device file readable only by root. Using wminput as a u... tivates force feedback/rumble function.
An event device is always created. A mouse device is created if REL_X, REL_Y, and BTN_LEFT symbols are mapped (~ABS_X an
i lswm</code>
Next, we need to find the bluetooth device address of your Wii remote, this will allow you t... etooth address]
Please use your bluetooth device address for your Wii remote (the one that lswm re... uetooth address]</code>
Please use your bluetooth device address for your Wii remote.
==== Swapping defaul